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Guys 😭.
It has come to my attention that I have completely forgotten about this book and I apologise for that.
But I've also realised I have forgotten the entire plot of the show...
So ummmm, ଵ˛̼ଵ .... I guess I'll just wing it from here?



Y/n wasn't sure what she did to make god hate her but she deeply regretted it.
That perverted bastard Liato was following her around everywhere.

She had come back from her break to see all of his fangirls glaring at her as the man himself slung his hand over her shoulder and pulled her into him.

"Y/n-chan~ how about a kiss?~"

Y/n immediately froze up in disgust, she turned to the man almost robotically as she said the first thing that came to mind.

"I'm sorry, do I know you?"

The entire fangirls population immediately quieted down and turned to her in shock while y/n mentally yelled at herself for saying something so stupid.

While she was slightly disturbed that the playboy of the school was now following her, she guessed that he was doing it to piss off the devil himself, Kanato.

As quickly as she could, y/n raced right through the crowd of fangirls and left Liato in the dust and now he had to talk to his fangirls.

Y/n was really proud of herself for that.

Going through her pockets, y/n pulled out the folded piece of paper that had her time table on it.

Yea, that's right, she couldn't be bothered to memorise the whole thing, like what's the point if she's only staying for like 4 months?

Looking down at the crumpled paper, y/n made out the giant writing of 'first period: math'

Y/n's mood immediately soured.
'Really? Math first period?' She thought, dragging herself to the said class before she was late again.

Walking through the doors, y/n ignored the smirking Liato who had somehow yet again made it to the class before her.

Only this time, the entire class was full and the only empty seat was beside him.

Y/n gaped.
There's was still at least another 15 minutes until class started! How was EVERYONE already there!?

Reluctantly, she sat down on the chair the fedora wearing vampire pulled out for her.

Smacking away his hand as he tried to do a 'little' more.

Then she proceeded to fiddle with a device she had recently gotten that was called a phone.
It was sort of simplistic and boring but it was still quite cool.

As the bell rung, y/n put the device in one of her haori pockets and listened to the teacher ramble on about finance and how math was good for the world.

...yea, well in y/n's opinion, if she hadn't heard about math until now then it wasn't that important.

But she still found it in herself to listen.

Liato had side eyed her the entire lesson, a small suggestive smirk on his face as always.

His hand wove through the chair holes and he had somehow managed to snag the device that was was in her haori pocket.

Y/n hissed under her breath and tried to grab it back as the teacher turned around.

By now, half of the class was watching them, happy to see something that wasn't math related.

Y/n almost managed to grab the phone back but Liato pulled it away until it was out of reach for her.

As the teacher turned around, both Liato and y/n turned to her and acted innocent, y/n had a strained smile on her face.

When the teacher turned around again, y/n socked him in the jaw and time seemed to slow when the device was thrown up onto the air and away from her.

The class watched wide eyed as y/n jumped out of her seat, did a backflip and caught the phone, landing on someone else's table and quickly jumping back into her chair.

...all while doing it completely silently.

For the rest of class, y/n punched Liato as hard as she could whenever she could.

He, for some reason, liked it...

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐃𝐄𝐌𝐎𝐍 𝐒𝐋𝐀𝐘𝐄𝐑 [𝐲𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞]Where stories live. Discover now