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That night y/n rested in her own estate.
Shinobu had come over and the two were conversing through the night.

Shinobu was growing increasingly more irritated by the second.
No matter how much she tried to flirt or even hint at the fact that she like y/n, the topic always changed.

"...and then she tripped and her face turned red" y/n spoke, telling Shinobu about her experience at the school

"GOD DAMN IT Y/N!" Shinobu suddenly yelled out.
She was known to have a tight grip over her emotions, so this outburst startled y/n.

"Huh..?" Y/n asked dumbly

"IVE BEEN TRYING TO HINT AT IT FOR THE PAST HOUR! I've been flirting and putting myself out there but you don't get it"

"Oh...so that's what that was" y/n nodded her head, finally understanding why Shinobu was acting so weird.



y/n jumped up from her chair and gave an apologetic look to Shinobu before running off.
Shinobu groaned and banged her head to the table in irritation.

"Why now! I finally got the courage to tell her and I was interrupted..." she sighed, her eyes closing as she drifted off into dreamland, creating scenarios in her head if y/n accepted her confession.

Y/n dashed from rooftop to rooftop.
Chasing a strange figure, under the moonlight, his purplish black hair, webbed chocker and tuxedo could be seen as her sprinted ahead of her.

He took many turns to throw her off his trail, yet y/n persisted.
Catching his scent, y/n's eyes widened.

'There's more of them..!' She thought in shock.
Coming to the centre of the village, she looked around in annoyance.
He had gotten away...

She left the village because there was no more reason for her to stay.
Bluish grey eyes stared from the shadows in intrigue.

'For livestock, she is quite fast...' he thought

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐃𝐄𝐌𝐎𝐍 𝐒𝐋𝐀𝐘𝐄𝐑 [𝐲𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞]Where stories live. Discover now