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Y/n dusted herself off the ground and made eye contact with a drowsy Shūū, who was smirking even though he had just woken up.

"Seems I don't have to go very far for dinner" he spoke tiredly.

Y/n gave him a sharp glare and turned to make her way to the door.

A sing song voice flowed through the hallway and y/n remembered what she had agreed to in the morning.

"That's right, I agreed to meet with yui-" a hand slapped over her mouth and pulled her down behind a bookshelf.

"Y/n? Darling~? Are you in there?" The doorknob to the door turned and y/n froze.

Shūū leaned his body over the female, engulfing her while also rubbing his nose in her neck.

Y/n hissed quietly as if to tell him not to but shūū kept his position.

The door opened and yui poked her head through the crack only to frown when her darling was not in sight.

Shūū's stench being the only thing to assault her nose.

She crinkled her nose and slammed the door in irritation, her footsteps flowing down the hallway.

Y/n let out a breath she didn't even know she was holding and peeled the vampires hand off of her mouth.

"You can let me go now"
She spoke, already wiggling out.

"ᵂʰᵃᵗ ᶦᶠ ᴵ ᵈᵒⁿ'ᵗ ʷᵃⁿᵗ ᵗᵒ.." a mumble came from behind her.


Y/n turned her head but was met with a sharp pain in her neck, her eyes widened and she slapped the vampire, forcing herself away.

"What the hell is wrong with you!" She hissed, wiping away the blood on her neck.

Shūū smiled.
"Everything, when it comes to you"

He reached out and y/n panicked, pulling out the nichirin blade in her haori, she called out

"- fifth form, (夜間性愛者, Yakan seiai-sha) Nyctophilia."

And with one slash, she decapitated the vampire and ran, laughter bellowed behind her but she didn't turn around.

She would deal with all this nonsense tomorrow when she would receive her silver blade.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐃𝐄𝐌𝐎𝐍 𝐒𝐋𝐀𝐘𝐄𝐑 [𝐲𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞]Where stories live. Discover now