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'That probably won't work..'
He was getting closer to her table and y/n just wanted to not socialise.

"Where is your uniform"

She flinched involuntarily, she always disliked socialising, and this man was Rude..with a capital R.

"Burned it" she answered before packing up her 'things' and by things I mean pen and book.
That was all she had because everything else was unnecessary in her opinion.

He grabbed her by the shoulder and pulled her back, "It's rude to turn away when people are talking to you"

"And it's also rude to start a conversation without introducing yourself...hypocrite" she mumbled towards the end and turned away and smacked his hand off her shoulder.

'Next period...ah here...Culinary class! YES finally something i am good at' she silently cheered.

Second period: Culinary class

I take back everything I said about this class.
y/n was paired with a crazy lunatic who didn't even help her and only talked to his teddy.
It sucked.
And So much for this being an expensive private academy...
The recipes weren't even legitimate.

y/n watched a girl pull out a tray of painfully flat cupcakes and winced.
Then turning her attention to a guy who had burned his entire batch of cookies.
Another guy had pulled out a completely black cake from out of the oven and y/n felt like she was in a class of idiots.

'This is hard to watch' as a lover of food, this hit y/n hard.
The food was being disrespected so badly that even y/n felt the foods pain.

She chucked her recipe in the bin and begun on a recipe she had memorised because Sanemi had drilled it into her brain... that's right... ohagi

Taking out a steamer, y/n grabbed some glutinous rice flour and some regular short grain rice.
Steaming it together, y/n waited and then took the cooked mixture off the steamer.
Pounding the mixture and turning it into small balls.
She then filled them with red bean paste and added some coatings on them.

She stared at her creation before giving a approving nod to herself.

 Before she could even bring one up to her mouth to take a bite, it was snatched out of her hands by the man baby with a teddy bear

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Before she could even bring one up to her mouth to take a bite, it was snatched out of her hands by the man baby with a teddy bear.

y/n watched with an irk mark as he just popped it in his mouth and ate it.
His reaction was kind of cute though.

As soon as he had chewed into the ohagi his eyes went wide and imaginary sparkles surrounded him as he moaned from the sweet.

What wasn't cute though was the fact that he now had a death grip on her wrist and named her his 'personal chef'.

'Do I look like a chef to you?' She thought annoyed.

Another thing was that y/n had made too many ohagi... she would have gladly eaten it...IF the man child let her.

She sighed in disappointment, 'Sanemi would have been hella mad...' she thought.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐃𝐄𝐌𝐎𝐍 𝐒𝐋𝐀𝐘𝐄𝐑 [𝐲𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞]Where stories live. Discover now