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y/n was being followed by the man baby.
She could smell him from miles away
He smelt crusty...

Now the thing was, either this man baby is stupid or she's the stupid one for thinking he is stupid.

Either way... where is the maths class...?

She was barely even half way through the school night and she already had a stalker and she couldn't find the STUPID maths class.

'What the fuck is maths anyways?' She thought while wandering around trying to find her class.
'It might not even be important...who am I kidding, it probably is important and I'm going to fail it' she though miserably

Checking through every door, in every corridor, y/n accidentally walked into something.
A guy wearing a fedora hat was making out with a woman.

"Ew" was all that escaped her mouth as she gaged and quickly slammed the door behind her.

Shivers crawled up her spine at the sight that was imprinted in her brain, it was GRoss... with a capital GR.

Eventually y/n gave up.
Math class just doesn't exist anymore then.
And now she wandered the halls.
With the man baby still trailing behind her.

Opening a random door, y/n came face to face with the math class.
The teacher and students stared at her while she stared back.
"Is this the math class?" She finally asked

"O-oh um yes! Please take a seat!" The teacher stuttered out once she got over the awkward atmosphere.

y/n walked to the very back of the class where she paused, locking eyes with the fedora man.
'HOW THE FUCK!' She mentally yelled while keeping her face emotionless

He just smirked and winked at her, pulling out a chair from the table next to him and holding it out for her.

y/n, almost robotically, turned away and walked further to the back of the room.
'Yea no, not from that traumatic experience I just had, never' she thought while keeping her passive face.

She then proceeded to pay ZERO attention in math and doodled demons she had killed in her book.

" y/n! Why don't you come up and solve this equation!"
A voice broke her out of her peace.

Looking up, she saw everyone's eyes trained on her.
The question on the board?

30x= 15(3x - 4)

y/n sighed before getting up and grabbing the whiteboard marker from the teacher.
She concentrated really hard before it came to her.
'I just need to think of this in terms of demons!' She thought before writing up on the board.

30x= 45x - 60
30x - 45x = - 60
-15x = - 60
X = 4

The teacher gaped at how quickly she had answered the question even though she paid absolutely no attention in the class.

"G-good! The answer is correct!"

y/n walked back and went back to doodling, though the entire time, fedora boy was staring at her.

'What's it with people and staring at me today?' She thought, confused.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐃𝐄𝐌𝐎𝐍 𝐒𝐋𝐀𝐘𝐄𝐑 [𝐲𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞]Where stories live. Discover now