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Y/n's eyes widened.
Her body moving away just in time to dodge the attack.

Reji growled.
Shūū scowled at his brother.
"Guess there's no point hiding it anymore" shūū spoke lowly

Y/n glared.
"What are you..?"

"It doesn't matter, you'll be food in no time" shūū answered

Y/n jumped over the fence separating the drop from the roof to the roof itself.

Reji and shūū's eyes widened.
"..you wouldn't" Reji started

"Watch me" y/n answered as she dropped from the roof.

The two vampires ran to the fence, checking over in hopes to see her fine.

To their surprise, they found nothing, no trace of y/n whatsoever

"Surrender" a chilling voice spoke.
A metal katana pressed to the vampires necks.

"Hah! Of course! Should have expected that" Reji spoke in disbelief.

Y/n gave him a sickeningly sweet smile in response.

"What. Are. You." She asked again

"We're Vampires" Shūū answered.

They watched as y/n's eyes widened and she removed her katana from their necks.

"No wonder he didn't disappear once I sliced off his neck... he's not a demon!" Y/n mumbled to herself, instantly backing away from the two and turning towards the exit.

A small drop of blood dripping from her arm since she scraped it while catching herself from the roof.

"Where are you going!?"

"Away" she answered.

Just as she exited the rooftop, she bumped right into Yui.

"Komori-san!" She spoke in surprise

Yui looked up at her in amazement.
"Y/n! Hello! You look amazing- imeangreat- wait no that's not it! Not that you don't look great -" she started panicking over her words..

Y/n chuckled.

"It's all good yui-

"EEEKKKKK!" Yui suddenly screeched out

Y/n looked at her in confusion before leaving yui to herself.

"She called me by my first name!!!!! Eeeekkkkk" yui fangirled

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐃𝐄𝐌𝐎𝐍 𝐒𝐋𝐀𝐘𝐄𝐑 [𝐲𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞]Where stories live. Discover now