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The man baby's grip was surprisingly bruising.
It was only her first day and she was already being kidnapped...

And she was currently struggling and trying to get out of his grip.

"Oi- let go. I .have .class!"

She yanked her wrist back with every word

"No. You will come with me, chef!" He yanked her back and dragged her off.

She looked at her schedule and scowled.
Next period started in 5 minutes and it was art.

She was pulled away for a bit longer until she thought of something.

'If he acts like a child, then I should treat him like a child... what about a trade?'

"Hey, how about a trade"

The man baby paused.
"Teddy and I are listening..." he spoke

"If you let me go and let me go to class, I'll bake you as many treats as you want!" Y/n answered

He thought about it for bit before Turing to his teddy bear and talking to him.

Y/n sweatdropped and impatiently tapped her foot on the ground as she waited for an answer.

"Teddy says fine... BUT you must meet me at the gates 2:05 SHARP"

She sighed irritated but nodded nonetheless.

'2:05, that means I only have 5 minutes to get to the gate from my class... damn it'

The bell then rang and she jolted out of her thoughts and when she register what had happened, she dashed off to her class.

5th period: Art

Y/n sat I front of a canvas as the teacher told them to draw whatever they want because a new student (aka you) had arrived.

The class cheered and then went to do their own thing.

That brings us to now.

Y/n stared at her empty canvas before deciding to draw a demon.

It was the most recent demon, the demon had slanted black eyes which had huge red birthmark looking circles around them.
The demon had sharp pointed teeth and his flesh looked to be rotting, with blackened and scorched skin. His hair was a matted and tangled vomit green colour.

She first took her time sketching out the demons facial features before moving to the hair and body.

She unconsciously blocked out her surroundings and didn't notice the few people who stopped what they were doing to stare at the freakily real sketch of whatever she was drawing.

Once y/n was done with her sketch, she moved to painting on the canvas.
Adding colour into the demons body and face, making sure to keep inside of the lines and use a thin brush.

Soon even the teacher was staring at the portrait of the demon in slight disgust and amazement.

Once y/n finished her portrait, clapping was heard, the teacher smiled at her when y/n looked around confused.

"That was amazing! Your a real prodigy! Please join the art club!" The teacher spoke excitedly.

Y/n couldn't even speak before the teacher shoved a card into her hand and basically yelled at her that she expected to see her at 2:15 every Wednesday after school.

Y/n just gave a strained smile not wanting to break her spirit.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐃𝐄𝐌𝐎𝐍 𝐒𝐋𝐀𝐘𝐄𝐑 [𝐲𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞]Where stories live. Discover now