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Words this chapter- 259

'This is the second time today I caught him fucking someone'

Y/n covered the girl from the man's sight.

Though that didn't do much because he still turned to her and gave a wink before walking closer.

'SIR!! I'm still a minor' she tensed up, trying to get as far from the man as she could without loosing the girl behind her.

She shifted away slowly, making sure that she could still dash away with the girl if it came to that.

"My, my bitch-chan... you've finally got yourself a friend" he smiled creepily while licking his lips.

Y/n was ready to run or kill or both.

'No witnesses- wait damn... he's not a demon, I can't do that' she thought sadly

"I'm Liato Sakamaki, may I know your name beautiful?"

'NO YOU MAY FUCKING NOT' she mentally yelled

"Haha...sorry got to go... BYE" y/n laughed awkwardly and then dashed away with sherbet eyes in her arms.

Then there was the bell.
y/n stopped running and put sherbet eyes down.
'Damn... I didn't get to eat...oh well'

Turning around she was about to leave before sherbet eyes latched onto her wrist.


"W-wait! I just wanted to thank you... and um...could we be friends?" She whispered towards the end.

"Sure" y/n spoke monotonously.
"I-I'm yui komori" she stuttered, red faced while looking up at y/n's face.
"y/n l/n" y/n spoke before giving a smile and leaving for her next class.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐃𝐄𝐌𝐎𝐍 𝐒𝐋𝐀𝐘𝐄𝐑 [𝐲𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞]Where stories live. Discover now