Forever Sleep, The Stars Shine

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The stars shine bright in the eternal sky.

With the many colors and shades of a rainbow.

The blue sky with soft white clouds, drift from place to place. Hiding the rays of sun and moon light.

The wind blows softly, the wind blows strongly.

The sky from a light to dark blue covers the sky. Stars glitter and shine in the dark night.

Upon the grass, among the soft white flowers. I lay watching the sky.

Dreaming day and night, of the warm happy days that I long for.

The stars watch from above, forever in an endless sky.

Dance within the lights above.

The stars shine bright in the eternal sky. With many colors warm and cold, watching over us.

I lay upon the blanket of grass once again.

Dreaming within the dancing lights.

For the days I long for.

Forever waiting, until I reach eternal sleep. Among the gentle stars, sleeping forever...

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