Sands of My Heart -Lyrics

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(May my memories reach your heart.)

(I pray that someday we can meet again.)

I can feel the wind as it passes by moving the clouds in the sky, it feels gentle like your voice as you spoke. As the sun's rays fall onto me I feel as if you're holding me, in your arms safe and sound underneath the shade of a cloud. I draw onto a canvas the soft gentle words that you once spoke to me, as if as to make them into something. So I could keep them forever, I sang them into a song, because those words helped me find, the right path when I was lost. These normal days to me are filled with joy for me, I wished that the smiles would forever never end because I wanted to forever smile. However they started to disappear too fast and days that were dark and cold came, bringing sorrow and pain taking away the once peaceful days. The sands of time of my heart, please stop falling. Every time the clock ticked, when the cloudy days came. I was too afraid that it might have been, the nothingness coming back for me, and every time I've search for your warmth. Sand of orange. Sand of white. Sands of my heart.

Orange and white grains trickle down like falling tear drops, that are falling endlessly from my memory... The day when we fought, I tried to run away from you, as we walked on the path home you took my hand and made a promise to me. Tears filled my eyes dazzling me with the light from the evening glow, I held your hand as I tried to walk with my eyes blind. Even if I gathered all of our most precious memories and feelings, even if it was filled with all of my sorrow and my prayers. It would not come true, oh how sad life can be to all us. It still pierces my chest with every moment I take a breath. The sands of time of my heart, which that flows inside of me. With every passing day, they disappear into the winds of the sky. With every moment my heart beat follows, the sounds of the ticking clock. In my hand I hold, the sands of our heart's memory of once was. (The sands, of the past, keep falling endlessly, from the sky, surrounding me.) (The past the future, one's life and death, a gentle light.) (It flows forever, in the endless sky, an endless memory.) (Into tomorrow, between the earth and sky, into one's heart.) Our story, our journey has taken us far, but like all stories it must someday end. It has been a long journey for the both of us we will soon near the end of our journey. (However our memories will always stay within in our hearts, until we no longer exist in the eternal sky.) (The past for us is both filled with painful and joyful memories, time has passed by since those faraway days.) (Tomorrow is illuminated by the stars, those precious days are no longer here.) (The history of emotions in this world is endless, soon a new beginning will come.) The winds of tomorrow, come with the rising sun. The sands of time of my heart, fall with the sound of the ticking clock. When it ends I will soon, fall into an eternal sleep within the stars. I will leave with you, the memories of my heart my smile. To you who so dearly loves me, to you my love.

Even if you cannot hear my voice, my lullaby our song within in the wind. Even if you cannot feel me, my shadow my warmth within the sun's rays. I will always be by your side, watching over you. My heart-I will always be within your heart, until we someday meet again. Forever, forever, forever... 

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