Under Spell No Longer or Cacophony Again

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Let it fade to ash, as the gears of time burn.

In sorrow, in pain, everything fades.

As the gears rust, I forever dream.

In the blue of the sky, in evening's red.

The green of tomorrow blooms.

Among the ruins of the clock, of the shattered glass.

I drift to sleep beneath your gaze.

Yet cry as I see your pain.

In black you thrive, in white you fade.

I in white I thrive, in black I fade.

Under spell, we either fade or exist.

Under spell, let it all fade away.

Pain and anger.

The burring sorrow.

Let it all fade to dust and ash.

Let it all turn grey.

Let it all begin again.

Let old dreams, become new.

Let old history, guide us.

Make the clock anew, put the pieces back together.

In twilight, let us dream together.

Let us exist, no longer under spell.

The monster and the angel.

Let them be free.

Let us be free.

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