I Stand Alone

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I stand alone on a sea of tears, the sky is forever a night sky with countless stars that reflect on the sea like a mirror, making it feel as if I was in the sky. I try to see my reflection but I can see nothing in the dark sea, I can only see the stars and the ripples in the water from my tears. I want to do something, I want to run, I want to see the blue sky, I want to see the sun, and I want to see my reflection to see my face because the only thing I know and have is that something keeps me here and something makes me keep crying. I can sing but my songs are filled with sadness and pain, I want to be free from this sadness, I want to keep running until I reach the light, and I want to know what it's like to be happy and free. But every time I want to run away from this place something keeps me from going, I don't know why but this feeling I have inside reminds me of something I once knew. I keep thinking is this feeling hope, could there be a way to be free from this spell on me? Now all I want is to sleep forever and forget this pain I feel but as I open my eyes I see a light on the horizon and I hear a voice calling for me, I don't know why but I start to run towards the light and I reach out to the light smiling, then I open my eyes and see that I'm in the arms of someone I knew with a warm smile on his face and now I remember why I had hope because I knew someone was looking for me and now I'm truly free

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