Underneath the Stars, I Watch

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Underneath the stars, I watch this world from where I stand. I see the good and joyful things and the bad and depressing things.

As time goes by I see more and more things in the world, and I still watch.

But I can't help but want to cry for those who suffer, I want to scream at those who don't do anything except watch.

Why do we exist?

Why do we still choose to do the wrong things even though we know we are wrong?

Why is it that no one tries to do the right thing?

I watch the world and think. "Why do we love, even though all we do is hate?"

"Is all we do to each other is hurt one another, have we forgotten how to love?"

I see most of all are sad things, wrong choices being made, greed and hate, and wars that only hurt and kill.

I can do nothing from where I stand, for I will be lost in the chaos around me.

No matter who strong I stand I am pushed around and forgotten.

I cannot speak or even scream for my voice would be lost in the cacophony of voices before me.

All I can do is watch from where I stand, all alone.

I see people who smile and laugh, people who cry and are in pain.

Some make bad choices, some make the right one.

There are those who fight to protect us, there are those who hurt others.

People who dream and wonder, people who search for answers.

There are those who will change the world and those who will not.

Some stand tall and strong, while others are crouch down crying and in pain.

Everyone is different, like the stars in the sky. So many and yet not all are seen, no one star is the same.

In different colors they shine and many different sizes. Some will die tomorrow and some will be born.

Together the make the eternal sky shine with light and make shapes that make us smile and wonder.

If we could all hold hands together, if for a brief moment we could all understand each other.

What would happen?

For all I want is to see the world that many dream and wish for, a world where we are together.

Underneath the stars, I watch this world from where I stand.

One day I will have to leave this place and go out to world.

But yet my heart does not want to, because this world is to cruel from me today.

I will watch until that day comes.

In my heart I sing a lullaby for those who are forgotten, for the living.

For life I sing, for those who need love.

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