Journey or As We Stood Under the Moonlight -Lyrics

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As we stood under the moonlight, you held my hand tightly. You promise that you, would always protect me. And told me that you would never leave me, so I would never be alone. Even if the whole world hated me, you would always stay with me. But just like I was, you too were also in pain. Even now you're hurting, as our tears blind us. We yet still move forward, towards the unknown. Into the world that hurt us, as we journey to find peace to end this endless cycle of pain. Would you please answer this to me, this one question, this heart of mine. If I died today or tomorrow, would you move on towards the tomorrow we wished for. You once told me that we shouldn't fight hate, with hate. Because vengeance is never worth it, even if we reach the end. When everything's over, you're just left with scars that sear endlessly. Even as our tears blind us we still walk forward with our own scars. So no one will have to suffer as we did, we promised to find the future. It's waiting for us, to find our path towards tomorrow.

Underneath the sky, we have always journeyed. As I look into the sky, I see the sun and moon. I wonder what's beyond them, oh what could it be. I want to know what is beyond the sky that I see. Life isn't an easy thing, if it was that way. I don't think we would be, just as happy with what we've done. You always smile and laugh, even when everything against us. Even as we jump into the fray, you still smile for me. You promise me that like the sun and moon, we would always be together. My heart beats a thousand times, as I look into the unknown. Yet we keep running towards the things that hurt us in the past. So no one will have to suffer as we did, we promised to find the future. But even in this broken world, we've have also been loved. Against the world we fight, to protect those we love. Someday I know we will find our dream that our hearts long for. Until that day comes, we may have to say good bye.

Hey, hey. Don't stop now. Our story has just begun, there's no need to stop now. We don't need a map to show us the way. Because together I know we can illuminate the path we seek.

As we stand under the moonlight, you hold my hand tightly. Even as our tears blind us from reality, the answer this heart of mine seeks. If I died today, would you move on towards the tomorrow we wished for. I know that with all my heart, you would reach tomorrow. You promise me that like the sun and moon, we would always be together. My heart beats a thousand times, as I look into your eyes as we smile. So no one will have to suffer as we did, we promised to find the future. Today I know with all my heart. That you and I have found the future we've wished for.

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