Everlasting Words

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In the light of the setting sun, you and I take the path that leads towards forgotten places. In the summer haze, it seems like a half forgotten memory.

Underneath the trees and by streams that someday will lead to the sea. These unending days continue to come, as if time has stopped.

In the wind colored bottles hang from the branches of green, within them words on paper that are filled with memories. Every day we pass each other on the path, we don't say a word.

As we see the places that hold the memories of days of a time now gone, becoming part of the past, the thing we call time that is nearly infinite.

Every time I see you, there are many words I want to say to you. And I wonder, do you feel the same? These everlasting days continue but now winter's embrace starts to cover the earth.

Putting the world into an almost tranquil sleep, as the gentle snow falls.

We take the path towards the forgotten places of our past, together we go as if to find an answer to the many questions before us.

In the light of setting sun I go alone, to the forgotten place. And fall into an eternal sleep, in the bottles one holds pieces of paper covered in words and one with none.

Summer has come again, unending they continue to come every day.

There were many things I wanted to do and see, many I had wishes that are almost everlasting.

In the light of the setting sun, you take the path that leads towards forgotten places.

To the sea you go and in your hand was the bottle filled with many pieces of paper.

Now only one is inside, you close its top and set it into the water.

The light of the sun shines upon the sea, I wish to see it with you but yet I can no longer share that moment with you.

There were many words I wanted to say to you, but there was only one I wished to say the most.

"I love you", yes... those were the words. Words that are undying that love, to repeat over and over again to you in my heart made those days truly everlasting.

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