Mask of Lies

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What is real, do I belong?

Behind a fake face, I live in a world of dreams.

With this mechanical and broken world, everything is rusting away and shattering before my eyes.

A fake world full of lies.

I cannot cry or scream, for it would only be buried by a cacophony of a cruel and twisted words.

Why do I lie, what is a true smile, what is true happiness.

Every time I get close to my wish, its disappears in the mechanical sounds.

Behind a fake smile, a fake face, a fake me.

Forever repeating the same things until I sleep.

If I fall into eternal sleep, would I dream a happy dream?

What is real, who am I?

What am I meant to do, why am I here?

If there's a reason for my existence, if there's happiness for me?

Where is it?

I close my eyes, I hide behind a lie, a mask of lies.

I cannot show my face, I cannot speak or show myself.

Within this fake, mechanical, rusting, and shattering world.

Am I lie, only a shadow, forgotten, nothing?

Just a fake?

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