The Questions I Have

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I do not know why I'm alone, what is it I did wrong?

I like to be alone but, I want someone by my side.

Among others I feel like I don't belong.The Words

I am shy to tell about myself, especially to those I first meet.

But I want to be noticed yet when I try to be, no one really does.

I have friends, but I feel out of place with them.

There are times I feel forgotten, because no one really says hello to me.

Alone I watch the world around me, hidden away within my own world.

I see many things from my little world, things that make me cry and happy.

Painful things, funny things, amazing and wonderful things.

Things you never thought of and things that are mostly forgotten.

I love being different then anyone else, yet no one seems to care.

There are things I want to change in the world, but where should I start, what can I do?

I try to but the world doesn't seem to care to listen.

Every day I dream, I want to share those dreams.

How do I tell them, how do I show them?

If I share them will anyone care?

I have many wishes that I want to come true.

But if I can only one wish, would it come true?

What the future holds, I do not know.

Many people around me believe in something.

What choices I should make, I do not know.

I want to do something but I don't know what to do?

What does it mean to truly love someone?

I want to know, but will I only be hurt in the end?

I like to be alone but, I want someone by my side.

I do not know why I'm alone, what is it I did wrong?

I have many questions, things I want and things I don't want.

I have a dream and many other, many wishes I want to be real.

I want to leave behind a story for those of the future to see.

I want to simply live my life to the fullest, but will that wish come true?

Words I Cannot SpeakWhere stories live. Discover now