The Blue Bird's Song

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A bird of crimson flames, a bird of black despair.

Dance upon a field of battle.

Playing a game of death and rebirth.

A lone girl prayers cannot be heard.

Singing a requiem for lost souls.

A bird of blue tears, a bird of white hope.

Sing a song for the forgotten.

For the dragon who sleeps.

The girl's sadness it cannot bare to see.

Feathers of crimson and black are scattered among the fallen.

The dragon's cry rings through the sky and earth.

A cry of boundless rage and sorrow, a prayer.

Bird of crimson, bird of black.

Fall as their dance ends, as the game ends.

Wings of blue and white.

Spread out and catch the fallen.

The dragon's rage is no more.

Only tears and remorse remain.

The blue bird of sorrow, the white bird of hope.

Dance in the endless sky.

Singing a requiem, a song.

For once was.

For what is to come.

The dragon watches, as it sleeps.

The lone girl watches, as she sings.

The birds of blue and white.

The birds of crimson and black.

Fly away into the sunlight that fades into yesterday.

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