If We Can Meet Again -Lyrics

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Within the deep sea, I can no longer move. I wish I could tell you those words, that I've kept within my heart. As I fall into eternal sleep within the place between the sea and sky, I hope we can meet again in the future.

How long ago was it, that we first met? I cannot remember but those days we spent together still remain. The times we fought and laughed, watching the stars and walking by the sea.

Underneath the darkening clouds, those peaceful days were coming to end weren't they? The world we knew was changing, if I realized it sooner then maybe could I...would we still be-?

Even though it hurts to move, to laugh and cry. I love you too much to stop. I cannot dance with you, but I will watch over you.

Everything is burning, I cannot see the sky. I try to call out, but my voice keeps breaking. I keep running, trying to escape the flames. I watch as our home is destroyed, wondering if your safe.

I see you trying to flee to safety, diving into the ocean, in a boat I go to try to reach you with. Now safe and sound, we... Dance and sing, beside the sea, and I dance with you until dawn.

Even though it hurts, I won't stop moving. Because I want to be by your side, until the very end. I cannot dance with you, but I'll sing a song as I watch over you.

I can no longer move, but I can still feel you. I wish I could tell you those words, that I've kept within my heart. As I fall to sleep within the place between the sea and sky, if we can meet again I will say "I love you too".

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