Autumn Fire

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In the light of the setting sun, the Autumn leaves appear as a warm burning flame.

Beneath the frozen stars, countless flames alight and fade.

The wilting flower petals scatter upon the last wind of summer.

Within the ruins of forgotten days, ghosts of forgotten memories fade with the warmth of summer.

Words whose meaning is unknown to us, remind us of those before us, of times long gone.

Colors of red, orange, and yellow come to replace the green of summer.

After flames of summer pass, seeds spread across the ground wait for spring to come.

Remains of ancient creatures of the forest, sleep within rock the color of flames, as a memory of once was.

In the sun's light, Autumn appears like a flame upon the earth.

A flame that continues to burn through out time.

A memory of forgotten days, a warm light.

In the fading sun light, the Autumn leaves appear as a warm burning flame.

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