If... -Lyrics

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Wouldn't be nice if, I could start over from the beginning? To have the freedom of not having to hold, the burdens of all the expectations of the world. For just a moment in time, feel as if I am myself. But in the end, the cruelness of reality will take away that wish.

Why is it that, I'm always lying, to myself and others? Why is it when I'm asleep, I'm happy?

If I were to die today, will anyone cry for me? Would I be remembered, or forgotten like so many. I want to belong, but in the end. Loneliness is more kind to me, then a person's presence.

Why is it when I'm around others, I feel mostly empty afterwards? I want to do more than watch the world, from this isolated place of mine.

I laugh and cry at, I love and hate, the many sad and happy things life brings. But in the end, I just want to scream.

If there is such thing as love, then why is there no one for me to love? Someone who would love me, for who I truly am.

If for a moment our hearts, could connect to one another? Then could we, understand each other?

If I were to die today, will anyone cry for me? When I fall into eternal sleep, would I dream a happy dream? I want to belong, but in the end. Loneliness is more kind to me, then a person's presence.

If there is such thing as love, then why is there no one for me to love? Someone who would, always be by my side.

If for a brief moment our hearts, could become one? Would I finally belong, would I be loved?

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