A Story -Lyrics

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It is a story, that only the heart can tell.
Even as the seasons pass by, a story is being written. A new chapter has started today, a new beginning.
Youroverflowing tears look like starlight dancing in the sky, the memories of our times together are a precious treasure. That's never truly forgotten.
Like the stars we cannot live forever, but somethings will never be forgotten, ever after many years.
It is a story, that only the heart can tell.
In this beautiful and ugly world, life continues.
We all have our faults and blessings, and at times we do not get along but even those days, are immeasurable. The people that we meet, the things we see and do in life, are a part of our stories.
Every moment in this world with you, is a feeling that words alone can't tell. Our story may not always be a happy one, but it is one I cherish.
If the unhappy things of life bring you down, look up and go forward. For at this time your story can still continue, even if it's not perfect, your story also intertwines with many others and together they are beautiful.
It is a story, that only the heart can tell.
In this beautiful and ugly world, there are many wonderful things.
For the happy and sad times together, thank you.
A new story has started today, a new beginning.
I'll never forget, our times together. Like the stars we cannot live forever, but will still love you. Today may be goodbye, but keep walking forward. For my story as ended, but please keep writing your story.

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