The Sounds of War

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As you hear the sounds of war, you take up your sword and depart. Far away from my sight, beyond your forest home. Spring as come, but you are not here to see, the blooming flowers and hear my voice as I sing. The beating drums call you away, taking you to war, I will sing for you a song for your safe return. The clouds of war, have taken the gentle days away, spring turns to winter, bringing sorrow to my heart. I will sing for you, until I can sing no more. Even if I bleed, I will wait for you, a song of spring, a song of hope. Take your sword, don't be afraid I will sing for you a song to calm your fears. The stars shine bright, singing for you. I will wait, for your return. Starlight falls from the sky, upon your face. Why are you crying, as you return home. Dry your tears you are home and I am, here.

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