A Small Wish -Lyrics

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On a cliff covered in flowers over looking the sea, stands a lone girl dressed in white. In this place long ago a promise was made, a promise of friends.

Together they wrote their wishes upon a piece of paper, and put it in a small bottle. Hoping that if it flows away in the ocean, their wishes would someday come true.

Drifting away the wishes disappear upon the horizon, taking the hopes and dreams of dear friends. Though long ago its feels like yesterday, that we stood here together.

Once a prince and a peasant girl came and made a promise, "No matter what we'll always together until death takes us." Yet one day the two encountered reality's cruel truth, but it was only the start.

This story of ours once had a happy beginning, but now you are no longer here. So now I stand here holding a wish, hoping that it may reach you.

Drifting away is my small wish my small hope, filled with sorrow and bit of regret. You always were willing to become even the darkness, to protect our wishes and me.

Drifting away the wishes disappear upon the horizon, taking a message of a promise into the sky. As it fades away into the wind, I hope. That we may all meet again.

Drifting away is my small wish my small hope, filled with sorrow and bit of regret. "If we could start over, would we be...?"

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