Hazy Light, Island Tree

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As the rain falls, a misty haze hides the world beyond my sight.

Within the gentle twilight, under an island tree.

Rests a butterfly upon the flowers, a lonely sight, within the hazy light.

The graves of loved ones, safe and sound they are, underneath the roots of the island tree.

As the sun falls upon the horizon's edge, the misty haze, the drops of rain become the color of the sun.

Like tear drops of the sun, they disappear as they fall upon the earth.

The flowers as white as a newly made canvas are painted the colors of sun.

The butterfly with wings the color of the evening sky, flaps its wings in the light.

Like a jewel, the colors shine in the fading light.

The island tree in the misty haze, is a lonely sight, to this heart of mine.

Yet in the fading light, the colored drops paint the world in brilliant colors.

Makes the hazy light, become a dream that only comes in the falling rain.

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