Sad Fate

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If I could change an already decided fate,

What would change, what would be the same?

Will the peaceful days continue to go by?

Or will the days bring tears instead?

Will I see the person I've always known,

Or will I see the person that was really there?

There are some monsters we can fight against, while...

There ones we can't.

The time we have with our loved ones,

Is so fleeting compared to the vastness of time.

Our memories will fade over time,

The moments we have now may never happen again.

The emotions will feels, our mistakes and accomplishments,

The people we meet, the people we see go.

All of it, will be a memory not all will share.

A moment that won't always be remembered.

If there's one fate we all share,

Is that we're all born,

And that we all die.

It maybe sad, but that is the truth.

Nothing was truly meant to last for eternity.

Fate, everything,

Is strange.

And fate,

Cannot be easily changed.

So instead I will accept what cannot be changed,

And accept what can.

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