You -Lyrics

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To you, who is alone, I hope we can meet again someday. You who taught me, that even within the cold darkness, there's a warm gentle light a shining star. That even if weak still glows in the darkness. As I watch you in solitude I, whose tears and smile I've seen. If you are happy without me then, with only that i'm happy.

The enclosed flower, yet to bloom, even without light continues to exist in the darkness. You who are alone, one who bares the scars, of a sad history that no ones wishes to repeat. I'll become a guiding light a star for you. Daring to even fight against even destiny, you who had resolved to keep living with sorrow. I won't hesitate to bare, your sad destiny for you.

To you who has been alone, I hope that even without me you'll keep smiling. If we are not meant to be together then, I'll become awarm gentle light a star. For you who I love.

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