If I Die

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If I die...will you remember me? I know that, if...I died right now...my heart will never forget you. Our journeys have taken us far, yet, it never ends until our death. It will never end, but on this journey with you...I had the most happy, scary, unusual, sad, funny, and amazing moments in my life. I know that someday, I will die but, right now I want to live in the present. If you died...I would be sad, but I would never forget you, but... If, I die...will you remember me...you are my closet friend. Do you think of me...as a friend? I...I want to know, be-because you, are important to me. So-so I want to know, do you care about me...do-do you, love me? I know I will someday die, but...I want to be with you right now. Even know my time here is brief, I want to be with you, because I love you.

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