A Flickering Flame

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A flickering flame of a dragon's HEART, glows a warm gentle light.

Tears of sorrow trickle down, as memories of times long forgotten.

Echo within the burning flames.

In deep slumber twilight dreams of a requiem, a prayer.

The shattering pieces of time fade away.

As they touch the endless sky of stars.

Songs of long past echo in the peresent.

A song to fill the void of loneliness of the future.

A flickering flame of a dragon's HEART burns.

As its tears of sorrow trickle down into fire's raging flames.

In the end of destruction, in fallen ashes of the charred earth.Though embraced by shadow, a SINGLE seed sprouts.

Like a light in the darkness, to cut through the sorrow of a HEART.

In the rain, the fallen snow, in the ashes.

All starts ANEW.

For a flickering flame of a dragon's heart, the light glows gentle and warm once again.

The light of a heart's flickering flame.

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