- Chapter One - Elora -

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I'd heard the music a long time before I stepped foot into the house. I had made it clear tonight I wasn't going to be coming, I was going to be staying home with my mother finishing my school work. Yet here I was, stepping into his house.

I'd been here before. Hell, I'd pretty much grown up in this house. I'd climbed all the trees in the back yard, I'd made mud cakes on the rainy days and played in the shadows on the hot ones. I'd swam in the pool more times then I could remember, and I'd slept within these walls most weekends. It had belonged to my best friend, Harry when we were kids. We had been neighbours all our lives, seperated only by a small patch of forest; only a couple of minutes walk between our houses.

The house no longer smelt like Harry, instead it smelt like Luca. This was my first time coming back here since the sale of the house, I'd had no reason to come, I didn't consider myself friends with Luca which was a shame considering Harry and him were bestfriends themselves. We had done most things together, unfortunately. I didn't want Luca around, neither of us wanted to be friends, we were purely connected by Harry. Yet here I was walking into his house, into his party.

"Here, I got you one". Erin was suddenly at my side, holding a plastic cup which I could only assume was something that tasted as disgusting as it smelt. But considering I'd not wanted to be here, and that I didn't want to dissapoint Erin, I took it from her hand. I smelt it before I tasted it, regretting my choices once again as I took a small sip. My drinking was becoming an issue, I knew that. I'd rarely drank for fun, instead it was numbing, calming, drowning. I used it as a form of escape one too many times, I would need to try harder tonight to make sure that didn't happen.

"Where is Harry?" I asked, scanning the room infront of me that was now full with people. Harry was tall, probably 6 foot something so he wasn't usually hard to find.

Erin turned quickly, facing away from me now towards the living room. "Where do you think?", she said almost annoyed. I turned to see where she was looking, and again was met with a room full of people. But this time I could see Harry standing towards the back talking to someone else.


"God, Luca is just sex on legs, honestly." Erin sounded like she was out of breath, but I was amused by her honesty. She never was a person to hide away from her feelings or her desires. In a room full of people she was never the one to be hiding, she would be front and center given any chance. I could feel my eyes rolling, she always had a thing for Luca. In all fairness most people did, along with Harry. The two of them weren't exactly plain.

Harrys hair was an ash blonde, he'd had a faded trim on the sides and his slightly curly hair sat neatly on the top of his head. He'd always been clean shaven, always put together, neat. He had really peaked around puberty, his body filling out and his height just never ending. The same happened to Luca. Around thirteen or fourteen when I was struggling with my body growing, my hormones changing, my emotions almost impossible to regulate; the two of them were just glowing. It had been a tough couple of years in all honesty, trying to come to terms with my own changes while seeing my best friend conquring it while I struggled really was rubbing salt into the wound.

Luca was slightly taller than Harry, with jet black hair. His hair fell effortlessly, tussled but neat; it had always annoyed me how easy his hairstyle seemed, longer on top and falling over his forehead. His green eyes were slightly squinted as he listened intensly to whatever it was that Harry was talking to him about. Just like Harry, Luca was well built, although unlike Harry, Luca was a regular at the gym. His body had meant a  lot to him, it was clear in the way that he had dressed.  He usually wore all black, like I did, and tonight was no different. He wore dark jeans and a tight black t-shirt. His arms were crossed and I swear it made his arms look bigger then they already were, I could see the veins sticking out from way over here and I hated that I looked a little longer than I should have. He had a peircing on his eyebrow, and I knew that he had a tattoo on his wrist. I had always been immensely jealous that Luca was able to do what he wanted with his body without interference from his parents. I, on the other hand, was never able to do anything without my mother approving it first. I was actually surprised that she let me come tonight, she wasn't the biggest fan of either Harry or Luca, so coming to this party which they were both attending.. I was surprised she easily said yes. Either way, I tried not to pay too much attention to Luca.

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