- Chapter Twenty-Six - Elora -

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"There are new kids!" Erin yells as I sit down for lunch in the cafeteria. I was sitting alone, trying to come to terms with what had happened between Luca and I earlier and I hadn't heard her sneak up. I looked up at her to ask what she was talking about, and suddenly looking into her eyes all I felt was guilt.

I hadn't thought about Erin when I kissed Luca. I hadn't thought about the promise I had made her, that I didn't want anything to do with him. And now here she sits, excitement on her face, and I just feel freaking awful. I can't bring this up with her, not here and not today, but I can't keep it from her. I need to make sure she knows, and make sure that she knows it wasn't something planned. Suddenly Luca was just all I could focus on.

"New kids?" I ask and she sits infront of me, pulling out a sandwich from her bag.

"I've met them, they are really nice! Twins. Gracie and Matt." She says before taking a bite of her food. "I told them to sit with us, not sure where they are though." she adds in, trying to talk around her mouth full of food.

I look around the room, students are filing in pretty quickly, most going to the cafe line to grab something to eat or looking to grab a table before they are all taken. I don't know what they look like, but I know most of the students here, I would like to think I would notice two new ones. I try to look for Luca and Harry but I can't see them, I suddenly decide maybe now isn't the best place to be seeing Luca. I don't know how I am supposed to react to him. My entire body seems to light up at the thought of him and what we'd done. I can't let it be easily read on my face.

Last time I spoke to Erin about him, I was openly not on speaking terms with him. She isn't aware that I sat down and spoke to him and Harry. Then there is the fact that Harry is also unaware that I snuck off with Luca when he'd thought we had gone back to class. I wanted to tell Erin so badly about what had just happened between Luca and I, but I knew I couldn't. God, this suddenly was too confusing. How the hell was I meant to react to him when I next saw him?

Erin makes an excited noise around her sandwich, and stands up to wave to someone across the room. My eyes follow her line of sight to see two people. Twins.

They're gorgeous.

They both have matching ash blond hair, the girls is long and slightly curled as it runs down her back and the boys is brushed so not a piece is out of place. Their uniforms sit perfectly on them, it's obvious they've never worn them before as the colors are all vibrant and neat. The girl smiles at the sight of Erin, before grabbing the boys hand and making their way over to our table. Even down to the way that they walk to us has me staring, they have nothing negative going for them. It must be nice.

"Gracie! This is my friend Elora, and Elora.." Erin turns her attention to me. "This is Matt." She gives me a look that screams 'jump him', and I look away from her before she verbally tells me it.

They sit at the table after saying hello, both sitting infront of us, letting us have a good look at them.

"So nice to meet you." Matt says to me, smiling softly before looking around the room. Was he nervous? Or just didn't care to be here?

He looked so familiar but I just couldn't pick it. But I also couldn't help but stare at him for a moment. His blue eyes were piercing. They scanned my face one again, as though he was trying to read something on there, but before I could work it out he looked away over my shoulder at something else. He didn't seem rude, more just.. uninterested?

"This is your first day?" I ask, looking to Gracie, she seemed more eager to have a conversation.

"We just moved here. This school is huge, we weren't expecting this.." she replies, scrunching her nose slightly. "We were homeschooled for most of our schooling lives, this is the first real school we've been to." she adds, looking slightly uncomfortable.

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