- Chapter Nine - Luca -

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Erin's house. 

I had been here previously, although not enough times to remember it clearly. In saying that, I had spent a few days here and there a couple of summers ago when her family had first built their pool; we had been excited to try it out. We had been invited less and less, my guess being Elora had talked Erin into having girl weekends, obviously excluding Harry and I. 

I hadn't minded though, any excuse to avoid Elora and her obvious disgust towards me.

I could hear them talking inside as Harry and I walked up the driveway, Erin trying to work out what to wear to impress me. I laughed to myself at the thought of being impressed by merely a bikini, I was glad they thought so highly of me. That a scrap of material and some skin would be enough to distract me and lure me in. I wasn't oblivious to how people spoke about me or their thoughts towards me, I could hear a lot if I really wanted to. I tried to tune it out most of the time, having people constantly talking about you can become rather exhausting when forced to listen to it on repeat. I knew how girls spoke about me, how they tried to get my attention. I was lucky that they seemed to understand an unspoken rule that I wasn't interested in experimenting with anyone. I was talked about, sure, but I was mostly left alone. 

Although I knew Erin was trying to get my attention, I knew how she felt about me. She knew I wasn't looking for anything, she knew I wouldn't go for her. Yet maybe that's what kept her persistant enough to keep trying. The idea that maybe I would crack, that maybe I would seek her out above everyone else. That I would change for her. Yeah right.

Yet today the gossip had started up again involving me. They seemed to enjoy the idea of Elora, Harry and I together. The guys were looking at me as if to congratulate me, the girls looked as though they wanted to be next. I knew how they were speaking of Elora, the vast difference in what they were saying about me verses her in this rumour was insane. I would do everything I could to make sure this rumour was forgotten. Prove that what we all shared was nothing more than platonic. Harry was like a brother to me for christ sake, who the hell was thinking that I was getting off with him involved.

Harry knocked loudly once we had reached the door, and I could hear footsteps approaching the door quickly; it must been Erin, no way would Elora be that happy to have me appearing.

She opened the door widely, grinning happily at the sight of us, stepping aside to let us in. She looked nice, of course she did, but my eyes froze in motion once they locked with Elora.


It suited her, maybe a little too well. Her black hair was pushed behind her shoulders, a few strands had fallen and cupped her face. Her skin was pale, she never was one to get into the sun for any colour on her slim body, it was clear that she took care of herself. Although I wondered how much of that had been influenced by her mother. I'd heard conversations over the years involving what she ate, how much she worked out, what she did with her free time. I don't know how she hasn't walked out, instead she would always listen to her mother, agree with her.

I looked to her eyes that I was sure would be looking at Erin or Harry, to find they were pointed at my chest. I had decided on a new tattoo a few weeks ago, and with the cooler weather I had had no reason to show it off; until today. She looked at it surprised, looking at every detail. I could see her eyes slowly moving, before darting up to meet my gaze. She hadn't expected to have been caught looking, she looked embarrassed and I couldn't help but smirk to myself, she wasn't one to stare but recently it's all I caught her doing.

"Thanks for the invite." I said turning to Erin before handing her a bottle of whiskey. Harry barely drank, and I refused to touch the stuff, so I knew buying it would be mainly for Erin and Elora, but it was easier to buy it for them then watch them attempt it themselves or make some god awful mix with her fathers stuff. Erin grinned happily as she took the bottle from me.

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