- Chapter Fourteen - Elora -

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The door beside us came straight open, Ruby standing in the light with a huge grin on her face. It slowly turned to dissapointment once she realised we weren't doing anything nasty in there. My eyes took a moment to readjust to the light before I dropped my hand from his and stepped out ahead of him.

"Well that's boring." I could hear someone say, they had all gathered around to see the same thing, walking away back to the circle once they realised there wasn't anything to see. "Shut the fuck up, dude." Tommy said from somewhere in the room. I was a little happy that this whole idea had pissed him off.

I turned to Luca, who was now standing up straight once again. He was still looking at me, he clearly had something on his mind but didn't have the time to tell me it. "I better get to bed, try and get a good sleep, I'll see you tomorrow." he said, before quietly leaving the cupboard and making his way out of the room. I watched as he left, suddenly feeling like we had unfinished buisness. I wanted to follow him, but I knew better.

I walked out after him before making my way to Erin and Ruby who pulled my arm before pushing me into one of the seats away from the crowd.

"Okay spill.." Erin said as she sat in front of me, Ruby sitting next to her.

"I have never seen you even look in his direction before, now suddenly you're asking him to go into cupboards alone." Ruby spoke, suggesting we were trying to get some alone time together.

"It wasn't like that." I quickly spat out, I didn't need them thinking that of me. It was an innocent game. I held his hand, I looked at him for a little too long. But that was all.

"What was it like then?" Erin asked, confused why I had taken him in there.

She looked like she wanted answers, I guess if I was here and my best friend had gone into a closet alone with a guy I had been into I would have been curious too. Curious or annoyed. Or both.

"We talked." I replied, simple. It was the truth, nothing else had happened.

"About?" Ruby asked, and I looked between them both.

I loved them both dearly and I didn't want to hide anything from them, but I also didn't want to go into what Luca had said of me. What he knew about my home life. Erin and Ruby knew what my family was like, what they expected of me.. But I didn't want them once again feeling sorry for me. Because deep down I knew that they did.

"He is just observant, I guess." I replied, I again tried to keep it as simple as possible.

"What is with the riddles today?" Erin said, slightly annoyed. I couldn't blame her for the annoyance, I would have been too.

"What are you wanting me to say exactly? That we really had '7 minutes in heaven'." I replied, rolling my eyes. Like I would call him into the cupboard in front of all of those people, just to get him alone to myself.

"It just really surprised me," Erin shrugged her shoulders, "You've made your opinion of him pretty clear." she added, Ruby nodding beside her.

"To be fair it surprised all of us.. You have only ever spoken poorly of him." Ruby added.

"I guess I just knew he wouldn't try anything. Of all the guys playing the game, he was the only one I really knew. If Harry was playing I would have chosen him.."

"You would tell us if anything happened?" Erin asked, she looked suddenly unsure.

"You really think something would happen between Luca and I?"

"I just know the appeal of him.. I get it. He is funny, and says the right things and can make you laugh. Suddenly he is all you think about, out of nowhere. He has that about him." Erin replied, and I had started to understand that. He WAS all I was thinking about at the moment, he had me questioning a lot, about our friendship these last few years, but also about myself. He made me curious.

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