- Chapter Seven - Elora -

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"God he was so manly." Erin started, as we left our first class of the day.

"Wait, who? Luca..?" I asked, stopping out of confusion. I hadn't necessarily wanted to know about how manly Luca was, especially after my dream the night before. I'd been thinking about it all morning, Luca seemed to just constantly be in my head right now. I couldn't get the image of him bending down in front of me, inches away from my face, out of my head since I had woken up.

"The guy I was telling you about." she said, just as confused as I was, she'd obviously been talking about it. I'd been busy day dreaming, I had replayed that dream in my head all morning, the confident yet cocky look in his eyes that he always had, they way they looked me up and down before staring right back at me. The way his scent intoxicated me and caught my breath.

"Remind me again." I asked trying to get the image out of my head once again, and she looked at me slightly annoyed that she would have to repeat her story.

"At the casino, there was a guy. Luca disapeared and I couldn't find him, so this guy came over and danced with me instead." she replied, I'd vaguely rememebered her saying something along those lines.

"Oh! I thought you were trying to get with Luca?" I asked, I wasn't really following any part of the story, at least not to her liking. She had been so caught up on him for such a long time, why did she suddenly take a change of direction?

"Yeah, he just seemed distracted. I tried to find him but couldn't. I don't know, it all kind of happened really fast." she replied and we kept walking, stopping once we got to our lockers. "I don't really know, I was just super drunk." she added, putting her books away. I hadn't told her that I was with him and that's why she couldn't find him, I also hadn't mentioned that he had driven me home that night but my guess was that she had assumed as much.

"I think you need to calm down on the drinks when we go out, you seem to be forgetting a lot recently." I said, turning to face her. I was starting to worry about her drinking, we didn't both need to have an issue with it.

"Yeah.. I think you're right." she said, realising that there had been a couple of times now that this had happened.

I turned back to my locker and grabbed my bag, my next class would be gym. I'd brought my sports uniform, I was actually looking forward to running some laps. I needed to get some fresh air, I needed to sweat and feel my body as it struggled.

"I'll catch you later, then I can show your his profile." Erin said, closing her locker and smiling sweetly before turning and walking away. His profile? I didn't really care about this new person, I had enough going on without worrying who she was now seeing. Knowing Erin it wasn't going to be too serious, I didn't really want to get invested.

I put my bag over my shoulder, shut my locker, and walked. I could see Luca and Harry ahead of me in the hallway, Luca was already in his gym clothes. I started to walk slower, I didn't really want to walk past them but I couldn't turn around, that would make it obvious that I was avoiding them. There were no doors between me and them, which left me with only one choice, to walk past them. I hadn't seen Luca since my dream, and I was worried that if I suddenly was face to face with him that I would just embarress myself.

As if he knew I was thinking of him, he turned his head and my eyes met his. God dammit.

"Did you go out the other night?", I looked to my left to see Tommy now standing with me. He looked annoyed, I didn't even hear him walk over.

"Hi to you too." I said bluntly. "We wanted to try the casino." I replied, looking over to Luca again, expecting him to be talking with Harry again. But instead he was still watching, his eyes sucking me in.

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