- Chapter Six - Elora -

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When I opened my eyes, I was laying in my bed, my phone alarm going off beside me on my bedside table. The sun was blaring through my window, hurting my eyes as I sat up reaching for my phone. I looked around, confused. How did I get here? I was in Luca's car, now I was in bed..

I looked down at my clothes, they were the same as what I wore last night. My shoes were sitting at the end of the bed and I had a blanket over me.

Luca. He must have brought me in here last night. I must have fallen asleep in his car.

God how embarressing.

Even more embarressing that he would have carried me and I was clearly too gone to wake up. I didn't need him seeing me like that. Was I too far gone to wake up? Had he tried and realised I was gone, so instead carried me inside? I want to shrivel and die at that image.

There was a slight knocking at my door and I pulled the blankets over my body, I didn't need my mother seeing my clothes from the night before. The door creaked open slowly and my mothers head popped in as I pulled the blanket up around my neck.

"Morning baby. I just wanted to make sure you were awake." she said before smiling sweetly. "I've made breakfast, don't take too long or it'll be cold." she added before closing the door once again.

I took a deepbreath and looked at my phone.

6.04am. Awesome. I must have gotten just under 3 hours of sleep for the night and the pounding in my head made that obvious.

I lay in my bed for a moment longer, staring up at the ceiling. I had regretted going out, I didn't want to spend today hungover at school but considering I couldn't tell my mother how I was feeling, I would just need to suck it up and make smarter choices next time.

I pushed the blackets off of me once again, and sat on the edge of my bed. The good thing about still being in my clothes was that Luca didn't feel the need to help me change, so at least there was that. I would have to have a quick shower and run down for breakfast, I didn't want to be late for the bus. I still wore Luca's jumper and I sat there for a moment wondering what to do with it. He would want it back. But a part of me liked having it. I liked the feeling and the smell. Was that weird? I could hate the guy and still like his smell, right? In the end I decided to hang it in my cupboard and work out what to do with it another time.

I'd done my best to wake myself up. Hot shower, cold shower, make-up, coffee. None of it worked. I had a slight stinging behind my eyes, and my stomach had a nausious feeling. I sat at the dining table and my mother brought a plate of food out for me. Waffles, with some fruit in a bowl to to the side and some apple juice. We didn't usually do a big breakfast, usually I would grab something small and eat on the bus. Of course the one day that I was feeling crappy she made something that looked really nice, but that I just couldn't stomach.

I thanked her for the food, and she walked back into the kitchen to grab her own. I quickly grabbed some in my hand and hid it in my pocket. I would need to rememeber to throw it away once I got to school. I took a drink of the apple juice and my stomach began to ache. She must have read my face when she walked back in.

"Are you alright? You don't look very well." she said, sitting down with her food infront of her, fluffing with her napkin.

"I'm fine, just woke up with an upset stomach." I replied, that wasn't a lie. She wouldn't need to know how I got the upset stomach in the first place.

"Leave it if it'll make you sick, hun." she said and I smiled to her. I was glad she didn't push it and let me go. I stood up and went to find my bag, I needed to pack my things before leaving.

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