- Chapter Three - Elora -

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My face felt sticky against my pillow when I finally awoke to my alarm. It had felt like it had been going for a few minutes before it had finally woken me up enough to do something about it. My body felt stiff; more of it hurting then last night. I sat upright, holding my head and hoping that the bleeding wouldn't start again. But as I felt my head, I couldn't feel the cut. I felt the blood from it on my face, dried now, but there was no open wound. 

I slowly got out of bed, and made my way to my bathroom. The mirror in front of me didn't lie, there was no longer a cut. There was no obvious place that the blood had come from. I still felt drowzy, sore. But my headache was gone, so that was some comfort.

"Elora, Erin is here!" I heard my mom shouting from downstairs and the front door closing.

Shit. I had forgotten I'd agreed to go out with her and Ruby today to get some new clothes. What was she going to think when she came in here and saw this, I couldn't exactly tell her it was a shaving accident or that I'd had a fall. It was clear I'd been up to something worse. I tried my best to rub the blood off of my face, and cover some of the brusing on my arms. That would have to do until I could have a shower.

"What the hell happened to you?" Erin asked, sitting on my bed as I walked out from the bathroom.

"Long story.." I said, my hand covering my face in embarressment.

"You look like you got attacked." she said and I put my finger over my mouth trying to tell her to be quiet. If my mother came in here and saw my blood stained sheets and bad attempt at covering my brusing she would call the police.

"I walked home last night. I fell and hit my head pretty bad.." I said, I wasn't ready to go into more detail about what I saw.

"I heard you had a long night but I wasn't expecting this.." she said, looking at my bloodied pillow. "Are you okay?"

"Who told you that?" I asked, no one else was there to have seen what had happened.

"I stayed the night at Luca's house." she said proudly. 

"Please tell me you're kidding." I said, unimpressed. "Erin, he is bad news". He didn't openly sleep around and to be honest, I had never heard many stories about it. But one look at him and it didn't take a genius to figure out what he would have been going through most of the school. He was always charming, he always knew just what to say and how to make you feel special. I'd seen it a couple of times, the way he spoke to people when he wanted something. I didn't trust him.

"Considering he is Harry's bestfriend, I don't think that that is true.." she said, and she had a point. "Harry must just see something that you can't".

I didn't like Luca, everyone was well aware of it. He was always around when I didn't want him to be. I was happy growing up with Harry, I was happy being his closest friend. Except that I wasn't. There were things that they did together that I wasn't apart of and I hated that. They were so alike, in so many ways, I always hated that Luca was so effortlessly Harrys friend.

"I don't remember much of it though if I am being honest.." she added, a little confused.

"You've been wanting to be on his radar for weeks, and now that you finally are, you can't rememeber it?" I asked, trying my best not to sound sarcastic.

"I just remember asking to go to his room, and then passing out" she said.

"If he did anything questionable I swear to God..." I started, before she cut me off. I looked at her like my eyes could shoot daggers, she looked at me like I was an idiot.

"He didn't. I promise you." She was positive about that, I trusted her judgement. As much as I complained about Luca, he took care of his friends. "And anyway, we are talking about you here. What happened to make.." she pointed at the bed, before motioning towards my head, "..that all happen".

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