- Chapter Twenty-Nine - Elora -

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I find Luca outside with Harry, standing infront of a makeshift bonfire. Most people had left by the time I decided to come out here, I hadn't realised how far into the night it was. It was pretty close to two am and I was starting to get pretty drousy. I'd had a few of Matts beers, he'd handed me one whenever I'd seen him, and had a pretty good buzz going on, but I was proud of myself for stopping there. I hadn't drunk as hard as I usually did which was a big thing for me, I felt good about that.

I stared out at the boys for a moment before they'd seen me. The fire lighting up their faces and I was hooked on the softness of Luca's features. He stood with his hands in his pockets, his favourite hoodie on after I had finally caved and dragged it out of my closet for him with the promise that I would get it back. I step out further away from the house, and Luca's eye finally meet mine before a smile lands on his face.

He'd sat in my room earlier in the night, his forearms resting on his knees as he looked across the room at me, his eyes dark. All I had wanted to do was throw myself onto him, push him back onto the bed and have my way with him. But with my mother downstairs, and his damn promise to stay a respectful distance from me, that wasn't going to happen.

It was never something that really interested me, getting hot and heavy with anyone. All the experience that I had had, which granted wasn't very much, had mainly been with Tommy. He'd always wanted to jump the gun and get to the good stuff, he never wanted to explore and he rarely let me explore either. I'd always felt like maybe that was all it ever would be, just two bodies coming together briefly and the attraction would come later. I'd never knew what it felt like to be drawn to someone. To have my core ache, my stomach heat with need. Until I thought of Luca doing those things to me. Suddenly my family values went out the freaking window.

I'd walked over to him until I was standing between his legs and he had to lean back to look up at me, his hands now resting on the bed behind him. He wasn't making the whole 'not having my way with him' any easier. His top clung to his torso as he moved, and I wanted to reach out and pull it off of him, run my fingers across the muscles of his stomach, feel how soft his skin was.

His eyes getting darker with each minute that passes between us, I sit in his lap, my legs on either side of him, straddling him as he sits on the bed. He doesn't make a move to touch me, instead he sits and watches me, no doubt wondering where my sudden confidence has come from and honestly I don't freaking know. This isn't a move I would make, I wouldn't have the balls to do this but yet here I sit, in Lucas lap begging him with my eyes to touch me. He looks scared to touch me, like one small touch would unleash him.

I cock my head to the side, smirking as he watches me. I know what he wants.

I know he wants me.

I know that my mother being downstairs is killing him. But it makes this game much more fun to me. I know nothing is going to happen, not here, not tonight, but it sure makes me want to push him.

I bring myself forward, so I sit directly on his most sensitive region and am met with his hardness struggling to get free in his jeans. I bring a hand up to his face, using my fingers to brush his dark hair from his forehead, before tracing a finger down his temple, across his cheek and stopping once I reach his perfect, plump lips. I trace them slowly before pushing one gently against the opening and he opens his mouth slowly, letting me slide my finger into his hot, wet mouth. He sucks it briefly and I feel my body pushing into his lap further, my own teeth biting my lower lip as I watch him, my eyes fluttering, before he lightly bites my finger and I moan at the pain. I pull it back out slowly, watching as his lips move, before letting my hands find their way to his solid chest.

"This isn't very respectful," he whispers and I move forward until my lips are just out of reach of his own. He can hear where my mother is in the house, he can hear that she is still downstairs. He won't let us be caught. But I know he doesn't want to break what he promised my mother, but it doesn't mean I can't make him eat his words. I brush my nose against his as I look at his mouth, before snapping my eyes back up to meet his own. He looks starving.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26 ⏰

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