- Chapter Twenty-Four - Elora -

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He pulled up only a few minutes later, he must have sped through town to come get me. I climbed in once the car was next to me, he had the heating on already, the car was so nice and warm.

"El, what happened?" he asked, turning to face me.

"I just wanted to have fun. The girls wanted to do something." I replied, turning away from him and looking out the window. I didn't really want to have a conversation, I just wanted to get home and go back to ignoring all the things that were wrong with my life.

We'd never had a fight like this. We'd had moments growing up where one of us did something to piss the other off, of course we did, but it would only last a few hours before we were apologising and back to best friends. So I didn't really know what to do here. I wanted more than anything to reach out and grab him, have him pull me into his lap and hug me, tell me everything was okay and that it would all work out. But then I remembered what he'd hidden from me for so long, and the desire to fix things would dissapear.

"Where is Erin?" he asked, he seemed a little pissed off.

"I don't know. I just want to go home." I replied, and he left it at that. I knew he would have rolled his eyes at that answer, but I didn't have a better one to give him and I was feeling moody.

He drove home slowly this time, every corner he seemed to slow almost to a stop. He probably didn't want me throwing up in his car, and to be fair it was smart, I wasn't in a great condition.

He pulled into the driveway, but before I could protest that my mother would see us he reassured me she was still asleep. The idea that he could hear her sleeping while we were out in the driveway was just insane. How much had he heard that I'd never realised? I shrugged it off, and let him help me into the house. The lights were off, I couldn't see a thing but he walked confidently through the house before reaching my bedroom, carefully helping me sit on the bed.

"I know you don't want to talk, but I'm proud of you for calling me to drive you home." he simply said as I lay my head on my pillow.

"You're my best friend, Harry." I replied, and he was silent for a moment. He sat on the bed beside me.

"I just need to make sure you're alright. Can I stay for a little longer?" he whispered, his hand resting on my lower back. I nodded against the pillow, I didn't have it in me to speak, all I wanted was sleep.

He pulled a blanket over me, before I could feel him lay down beside me, my back touching his side. Before I could think about what I was doing I reached my hand backwards, before I felt his, grabbing onto it and pulling it so that he rolled, hugging me. He breathed deeply against the back of my head, breathing in my scent, before resting his forehead into my hair and his hand tightening against my stomach, pulling me backwards into him. I had missed him. Deeply. I was glad deep down that it was mutal. I tried not to think of all the bad things, and instead focused on his breathing.

He had always been my safe place. He had always been like my second half, someone I could rely on no matter what, like he was a part of my soul. It was always him and me against the world. I just needed him to hold me. His arm wrapped around my waist, his fingers tangled in my own. Then everything would be okay, even just for a moment. Even if tomorrow I would wake up with the same questions.

"I've missed you, El. I've really fucking missed you." he whispered against my ear. I squeezed his hand, before rolling over to face him, burying my head into his chest. His head rested slightly above my own on the pillow. I had missed the smell of him, the feel of safety having him around.

"I've missed you too, Harry." I whispered back, his arm pulling me tight against him, before I closed my eyes and drifted into sleep.


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