- Chapter Five - Elora -

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The cold was no longer effecting me outside, a positive of drinking so much. The wind had settled down slightly and that had helped, plus we were out on one of the decks to the side of the building. My guess was the wind was unable to get to us on this particular side and with all the heating they'd put around the place, I could barely feel anything.

I danced with Harry, the others cheering from the sidelines. I'd loved Harry for such a long time, he was my absolute best friend. He never took himself too seriously, he was always so caring and always took care of me. On nights like tonight that last part was very important. He didn't drink much, so most of the time I relied on him to make sure I didn't do anything stupid. He always made sure I got home safe.

The music pounded around us, and more and more people joined us on the dancefloor. It was hard to dance to the music without bumping into other people. I looked around as I danced, and saw an opening towards the balcony, suddenly I felt like I needed some air.

"I'll be right back!" I shouted to Harry and he looked at me confused, "I just need some air!" I added and he nodded to me, continuing to dance with those around him.

I pushed through the group of people, they were all moving fast to the music so it was not an easy task. A couple of the men saw me coming and looked at me as if to ask if I wanted to dance. I quickly averted my eyes and kept walking.

I got to the end and pushed my way through, finally breaking free and having space to myself. It's funny how much people touching you can overstimulate you. I walked to the balcony and held on to the railing, looking out at the town in front of me. It was late now, proabably around one. The town was quiet, the shops were closed and had some small display lights in all the windows. Some cars drove around every now and again, but other then that the town was dead. It was calm.

"What are you doing?" Luca asked. I turned my head to see him suddenly standing beside me, looking out to see what I was looking at. He had a hand in one of his pockets, the other was around a glass of something.

"Can I not get away from you for five minutes?" I asked, annoyed that once again here he was trying to talk. "Go annoy Erin." I said. I sounded angry; I'd better tone it down.

He stood next to me silently for a moment, looking out at the town like I did. He must have noticed the same things that I had, he seemed to be peacefully watching now like me. I could see his head slowly turn to face me, I kept mine looking forward. I didn't want to deal with this.

"I like your outfit." he said and I turned my head abruptly to look at him, my eyes narrowing. What was his deal? 'I like your outfit', shut up. I turned my body to face him now, and he did the same to me, leaning an elbow on the railing next to us. I'd forgotten the height different until now. Trying to look pissed at someone that is above you isn't an easy task. I looked at him for a moment, trying to understand what his game was. Why was he out talking with me? Did he not have anything else to do?

It was then I really took him in. His deep green eyes, his long black eyelashes and how they moved slighly as he looked at me. His thick, sculpted eyebrows and the eyebrow piercing that he had that had always annoyed me when we were slightly younger - but now I looked at it and it complimented his face so well that I couldn't imagine him without it. His full lips and the sharpness of his jaw. My eyes moved over his face, and if he noticed then he didn't say anything, instead standing there silently, letting me take him all in. My bones seemed to ache for him, something inside me telling me to close the space between us and suddenly the idea of his skin seemed too good to be true.

I looked from his lips, suddenly a little hot, to his neck and the skin exposed just above the collar of his jumper. I could imagine how his skin felt there, hot and soft. I suddenly had the urge to reach out and see for myself if it really did feel that way. But instead I squeezed my hands into fists at my side and took a deep breath, looking up and meeting his eyes again, trying my best to look annoyed once again.

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