- Chapter Twelve - Elora -

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He stood alone against one of the far walls, observing the people inside as he stood silently. His eyes flicked to mine, like he knew I was once again watching him. God dammit.

Erin walked to him slowly, before stopping in front of him. I could see confusion on his face as she spoke, and her body slowly got less and less giddy. After a few moments of them both talking, she crossed her arms and looked like she was trying to make herself look smaller, like she was embarressed. Luca looked at her somewhat dissapointed, before turning and walking away. I looked to Erin, watching to see what had happened, their conversation hadn't looked like a plesant one.

She turned slowly before walking back to me, looking at the ground.

"What's wrong?" I asked, putting my hand on her arm.

"Luca... I just.." she started before taking a deepbreath. "Don't worry about it, I just want to go find our room." she replied before walking away from me. I stood and watched her for a moment before looking to Ruby, she had the same confused expression as I had. I looked around the room, spotting Luca leaving through one of the double doors. I made a dash for him.

"What is wrong with you?" I asked, catching up to him and stepping infront of him to slow him down. The hallway was empty, I wasn't sure where it lead or why he was in here but I was thankful that it wasn't full of people like the reception had been.

"Excuse me? Why would something be wrong with me?" he asked, stopping and looking at me irritated. What had happened just now? Why had he made Erin feel like shit.

"What did you just say to Erin?" I asked, just as annoyed as he was. Erin was my friend, I would always back up my friends.

"Now who wants to know my business." he asked sarcastically, trying to step around me but I took a step to my side, making sure to block his path, my hand moving up to his chest. He blinked at me a couple of times, I could see he was annoyed at me being here, but his gaze moved to my hand touching him. I dropped it back to my side.

"She was upset after you spoke to her, I want to know why." I said, trying my best to seem intimidating. When Luca was a good 6-foot-something, that was a hard task.

He thought to himself for a moment, looking around the room before finally taking a large, quick breath.

"She lied to me, I didn't apprieciate it. I told her that." he replied, looking down at me again. He had somewhat calmed, I hadn't.

"So you had to make her feel like shit for it? Grow up, Luca." I replied, who hadn't lied before, he was overreating. "God, you're such a dick." I added, the words leaving my mouth before I had truely thought them through.

He looked at me, annoyed again, before bending over slightly so that his mouth was a few inches from my ear. "You didn't seem to think that when you invited me into bed with you." he replied and I froze, his hot breath meeting my skin. He knew I knew. He knew that I was lying about forgetting. Shit. "Youre not the good girl that you want people to think you are." he said, pulling back to look into my eyes. He looked upset, more saddened then angry, but I was fuming.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" I asked as he stood up straight and turned around fast, walking out the door we had entered from.

Like he would know anything about me. How dare he say that. How dare he try and make me feel like crap after he had done the same to Erin. There was a reason I stayed away from him, and that only solidified it for me.

I stormed through the door following him, only this time I didn't care where he was. I wasn't looking for him. I would continue to avoid him, happily doing so this time. I didn't need to waste my time on him any more than I already had. I roughly knew where I was going, I tried to walk the way that I had seen Erin walk, finding a hallway with some students standing around with their bags. We hadn't collected ours when we arrived, I would have to remember to grab them once I had made sure Erin was okay.

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