- Chapter Twenty-Seven- Elora

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"You're safe." Harry says, suddenly infront of me holding me into his chest as he realises what I'm thinking. My breathing has picked up, shallow and fast and I can feel my hands shaking as I clutch onto his jumper. He holds me tightly around my waist, pulling me against him before a hand moves to my neck and pulls my face into his chest. I take a deep breath of his scent, it's always calmed me, and although it does in the moment, I can't stop the shaking. My knees feel like they're going to give out, and I'm convinced that if he let me go I wouldn't be able to stop myself falling to the floor.

"El, listen. You are safe. I promise you that." he says, taking my face and turning it so I look up at him. His eyes are almost frantic as he looks down at me, and I have to put all of my effort into calming my breathing. He moves his head down towards me, his forehead leaning against mine. He knows thats my weak spot, that it calms me like nothing else. I focus on the feeling of his skin on mine, his breath hitting my face. I focus on the sounds around us, the sounds of birds and bugs and students laughing in the distance.

I take a deep breath, before pulling away from him slightly. He moves both of his hands to my waist, and my hands rest against his chest.

"Why are they here?" I ask, barely a whisper. At this point I am surpised I'm not a crying mess, I'll take that as a small victory.

"I don't know. I only heard about them just before I sat down at lunch. But they seem genuine. I'll need to speak with Luca, he can do a proper check." he replies and suddenly my heart was beating fast again but for a different reason.

"Does Luca know?" I ask, and he nods.

"I told him once I found out, we've not had someone like us in town before. Never someone at this school."

"How do you know they're friendly?" I ask, worried about what Matt's intentions would be after the way he looked at me.

"You're worried about Matt?" he asks and I take a deep breath before nodding.

"Don't freak out but there is something I need to tell you, about one of our abilities." he says, and I pull back from him further, finally finding the strength to stand.

"Abilities?" I asked, crossing my arms around myself.

"We can - God, how do I put this nicely.. We can scent - some human emotions..." he replies, looking just as confused about his words as I was.

"What does that mean? Like you can smell when someone is happy? Sad?" I reply and he nods, slightly wincing.

"Yeah.. But it's not really a strong scent unless the person is feeling passionate about that emotion. Anger, shock, fear.. those kinds of emotions are usually stronger then others." he continues and I can feel my face scrunch up.

"Wait so Matt could scent how I was feeling?" I ask and he nods. "But why is that bad? I wasn't really feeling anything, except maybe disapointed about this party.." I reply and he looks to his feet briefly before looking back to me.

"Just know, I'd rather be doing anything else than explaining this to you right now." he deadpans, looking up to the sky above us. He takes a deep breath, before looking at me again and it takes everything in me not to grab him by the neck and shake the words out of him.

"Do I need to beat it out of you?" I ask, and his eyes widen slightly before he scrunches them shut.

"Please don't talk about beating anything right now."

"Well then just spit it out!" I reply and he finally looks at me again, somewhat serious.

"A big scent that we can pick up on.. is arousal." he says, waiting for my response.

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