- Chapter Twenty-One - Elora -

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"Luca!" I yelled, walking faster now. I couldn't let anything happen to him. Who knew what this guy was capable of. He could have a weapon this time, he could be prepared..

I rounded a corner, hearing nothing but loud bangs and crashes, it sounded like someone was smacking the lockers.

They stood in front of each other, before Luca was thrown into a locker. He pushed him like he weighed nothing, like he barely had to put any effort in. Luca flung backwards, hitting a wall before falling to the ground.

"Luca!" I yelled again, my voice breaking this time, before I fell to the floor. I moaned as I lay there, every part of me felt like it was going numb. I could feel someone walk up to me, before stopping just next to me.

"I thought I told you to stay put." the man said through gritted teeth. I turned my head to face him, his lips were exposing his teeth. I could feel the blood flowing again from my neck, it really surprised me that I was still going but a part of me knew I wouldn't be moving from here now.

This would be were I died.

Then he was gone, Luca standing in his place. Instead, the man was now on the floor next to me, Luca's foot on his throat in the blink of an eye. He wriggled around, trying to get free, but instead Luca pushed harder.

"You kill me, they will come." he spoke, barely able to get the words out. His throat must have been pushed almost shut.

I looked up to Luca, who stood above me, seeming taller as I lay underneath him. Although it wasn't Luca, not my Luca. His face was angry, his teeth clutched together, his jaw looking as though it would pop from the pressure. And his eyes.. they weren't his usual green, instead they were red.

"I'm tired of you." Luca replied, his mouth barely moving, he spoke in a low growl.

This wasn't the Luca that I knew. This wasn't the guy that I'd grown up with, or the one that I had spent the last few days getting to know deeply. This wasn't the Luca that helped me into the water, or the one that I had gone into a closet with. This wasn't my Luca.

My Luca.

Instead he stood above me, his face enraged. His eyes didn't meet mine, almost like I wasn't even next to him, like he hadn't registered that I was even in the same space as him. I wanted him to look to me and tell me it was all going to be okay, but looking at him in that moment, all I had was fear.

He bent down over the man, raising his fist into the air, before he plunged it into his chest. I let out a scream, before Luca's eyes met mine, like he had finally registered that I had been next to him the entire time.

I rolled over, stumbling to my feet before losing my footing and slamming into the ground, hitting my cheek on the hard laminate flooring.

I stood again, this time Luca's hands grabbing my arms and helping me to my feet. The sudden change in direction caused my head to spin, blood trickled down my chest, his eyes darting to the wound on my neck, I could only imagine what it looked like.

"El, your neck." He said, utter panic on his face. A hand moved to my neck as he looked at the damage, his eyes darting between the wound and the blood that must have been covering me by now.

"Please don't hurt me." I whispered, barely able to get the words out. I stood frozen in front of him, he blinked and his eyes were back to green, back to normal. There was no denying this was Luca, he was the monster.

He took a moment to reply, before looking at me with pain in his eyes. "I would never hurt you." he whispered, his grip loosening, becoming more gentle. His eyes looked paniced like he didn't know what to do. But I didn't want to think about that. All I could focus on was the pain.

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