- Chapter Four - Elora -

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I sat in my room once I got back from school, just unsure what my life was suddenly becoming. It had felt like I was just constantly behind, like everyone knew something that I didn't. I'd become slightly paranoid about the whole thing, wondering what was real and what was being lied about.

I waited till my mother had gone to bed before I started getting ready for the casino. I didn't want to go, mainly now because Luca was going to be there. I couldn't get him out of my head, not since that night. I didn't like the feeling that he gave me. I really didn't like how much time Erin was spending with him now either. But it wasn't my place to say anything. Especially considering the only reason I didn't like him was because of something that hadn't even happened. I'm sure that would go down well with Erin if I tried to explain that reasoning..

"Get a grip, El." I whispered to myself.

My phone vibrated in my hand, I looked down to see Erin had texted me.

ERIN: You still okay to sneak out? We are here now.

They had left earlier then me, most of them didn't have overprotective parents. Hell, Harrys parents were happy to drive him most places if he needed it. Me? I had to wait till it was dark, and my mother was dead asleep before I could even risk it.

ME: Leaving in a minute.

I wanted to go have fun with them, but I also wanted to change back into my pjs and get into bed. I didn't want to have to worry about not only getting there but getting back home. School tomorrow would be hell. Why did Erin think this was a good idea?

ERIN: Let me know when you get here, we are upstairs.

I stood up, looking down at my outfit one last time. I had decided on a shortish black skirt, something that showed off my long legs, and a nice grey showy top. It wasn't often I got to chose my clothing, so I took the oppertunity when I was given it.

Which I regretted as soon as I started walking. I snuck out my window, making sure to leave it unlocked so that I could sneak back in later. The lights around the house were all off, so I had to try and rely on memory to get around without falling or breaking anything and waking up my mother. By the time I realised how cold I was, I was already at the end of the driveway. It had been too late to turn around and get a jumper. It had made me walk faster though, in an attempt to walm up. But realistically all it did was hurt my feet. Dammit.

We lived at the end of a dirt road, there were no cars coming up this way apart from those that lived up here, so it was only really Luca's family, or my other few neighbours. So other cars weren't really a threat, although if one came I would probably have to hide in the trees next to the road, I didn't want to risk someone telling my mother that they had seen me walking at this time of night wearing what I was wearing. She would have a fit.

It was hard walking past the forest again, at this time of night. All I could think of was that man, the look in his eyes. What would have happened if Luca hadn't have been there.. Even though he wasn't. I didn't want to imagine it either way.

The soles of my feet started getting cold, my toes going numb. I had forgotten how cold the nights got this time of year. I was used to the warm summer nights, I hadn't thought about the cold when getting dressed. I was just too excited to choose something to wear. I would just have to hope that once I got there it would be warm and we would stay inside. Harry would be able to give me a ride home at the end, so I wouldn't have to walk this road again.

It was roughly a thirty minute walk into town from where I lived, so not too close, but still manageable. My arms clung together tightly on my chest, attempting to keep myself warm but it wasn't working, I could feel my fingers starting to lose feeling along with my toes.

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