- Chapter Eight - Elora -

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We ended up back at Erins before anyone else was set to arrive, which was handy as she couldn't decide what swimsuit to wear.

"What colour looks best?" she asked, showing me two options. Pink, and yellow. "I want to impress Luca." she added, pulling one against her body, before shaking her head and trying the other.

"He isn't that hard to impress.. Plus I thought you were seeing someone else?" I asked, taking my top off and placing it on her bed before picking up my swim top.

"Yeah, but he isn't here. I can double dip." she said before deciding on the yellow one.

I got dressed quickly when I heard a knock on the front door, I didn't want to risk anyone seeing me undress.

Erin finished changing, and ran to the door to let whoever it was come in. It was the boys, ready in their swimming shorts with bare torsos.

I could see a new tattoo on Luca's chest to match the one he had on his forearm. It extended from his shoulder blades and met in the middle, creeping along his collarbones. I stared at it for a moment, before looking up to see his eyes on mine. Great, he had caught me looking.

He smirked to himself before turning to Erin and passing her a bottle of whiskey. I hadn't noticed it at first, I was too busy looking at his bare skin. Harry smiled sweetly at me, I hadn't seen much of him these last few days; I had been preoccupied. As much as I wanted to stay home, I was glad that Harry had agreed to come, I needed some one on one with him. I also hadn't had the chance to speak with him about the rumours, I wondered where his head was at with it all. Knowing him he wasn't going to be too fussed about it, but it was still a lot.

"Help me carry the drinks." Erin asked, Harrys eyes moved from mine as he nodded to her and followed her out of the room. Luca didn't move, once again his eyes met mine.

I tried not to look at his body, instead I focused on his eyes as he watched me. I'd seen Luca like this a few times, we had gone swimming as a group every summer so I had seen his body progess each year. But this was the first time that I had actually noticed his body, the first time that I had tried not to look at it. He was well built, almost as if he had been sculpted. He stood straight, slim yet muscular, his arms drapped on either side of him. My eyes landed once again on his tattooed chest before noticing the shape of his broad shoulders. His arms were long, he folded them on his chest and it accentuated his muscles even more.

His stomach was toned, his waist muscular and a perfectly defined 'V' sat just above his swim shorts. When did Luca start looking like this. Had he always looked this way? Had I just ignored him so blatantly that I had never stopped to look?

I took a deep breath, trying to calm myself back down. I shouldn't have been looking at him so intensely. I could feel myself getting slightly weak, my heartbeat picking up inside my chest. The room was quiet, except for the faint sound of Erin telling Harry where to move the drinks that she had taken out of her fathers cabinet.

That's when I breathed in his new scent.

I hadn't smelt it before, it wasn't his usual one. I felt upset that I even knew he had a 'usual', I was getting too focused on him. This one was nice though, it was fruity, light, but it was also intoxicating. I had to stop myself from taking a step closer to him to get a better smell. It had waft though the air, and I couldn't help but take a long, deep breath in. The air caught in my throat, and suddenly my small breath turned into a loud one. Good job, Elora.

It was then that I rememebered what I was wearing. I wasn't in a full outfit, covered like I usually was with my uniform. I stood before him in nothing but a bikini. A bikini that only a short while ago Erin had described as 'sexy'. I looked down at my body quickly, before crossing my arms and looking nervously back to Luca. He had noticed my sudden change, and tried to advert his gaze.

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