- Chapter Fifteen - Elora -

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I had woken up early. I was quick to get dressed, throwing on some sherpa lined leggings and a large coat, before leaving Erin asleep in her bed to go and knock on Harry's door.

He had told me that he would be leaving early to go hiking before the snow hit harder that morning, but I wanted to catch him before he left. It had felt like we had never seemed to get any time together, no matter what we were doing there was something keeping us apart. I'd usually say it was Luca, but I was trying to be more understanding of him being around. I'd spent a vastly different amount of time with Luca recently than I had with Harry, if I had noticed that fact then I was sure Harry had too.

I closed the door quietly behind me as I stepped out into the empty hallway, I could hear footsteps off in the distance before I saw someone workers that were clearly on their way to start their shifts. I pulled my phone out of my pocket, checking the time. Six. It had felt like I had once again barely gotten any sleep, but it would be worth it spending some one on one with Harry before he left, I could catch up on sleep later.

I walked down the corridor, through a large double door that lead into a seperate hallway with more rooms. This hallway was just as quiet, I could hear each step I took, each breath, even the fabric of my jacket moving as I walked.

I stopped once I reached his door, forty three. I knocked, the sound echoing around me in the quiet hallway. A few moments passed before I could hear footsteps approaching the door. The handle jingled, before the door was slowly opened.

There stood Luca. In nothing but some light grey sweatpants.

God those freaking sweatpants did something to me.

I could see everything. Ev-er-y-thing.

All I could do was stare. The V of his waist, pointing down towards a part of him that I couldn't stop thinking about recently. What was it like? Was it big? Cause at that moment it looked freaking huge. What would it feel like?

Stop, Elora. Jesus.

He rubbed his eyes with his fists, before looking at me with squinted eyes. His chest was toned, I had never seen someone so effortlessly sculptured, even Harry. I'd seen Luca like this a few times, but I'd never really cared to look, he'd never meant anything to me, I didn't want to give him the satisfaction. But here I stood, staring right at him, taking him in. 

"What are you doing here?" he asked, the light from the hallway was obviously hurting his eyes.

I stared at him for a moment in disbelief, before I heard footsteps approaching in the hallway again. I couldn't be caught here, outside of his room, while he looked the way that he did. I took a step in the door, pushing it closed behind me.

"Come on in, El. No worries." he said to me, sarcastically as I fumbled to find the lightswitch. He walked away from me to sit on the bed, before turning on the lamp next to him.

All I could look at was his pants as they sat on his hips. They sat so low on him that I was surprised he hadn't fallen out of them.I could see his belly button, my eyes moving down his body to the top of his pants. God, I could almost see his...

"Can you put a top on. It's distracting" I said, trying to ignore his body. He sat on the bed, looking up at me in confusion. His face scrunched up, like I'd told him something stupid and he was trying to work it out in his head. I turned the main light back off, realising he was still struggling to open his eyes fully with the light from the ceiling and from his lamp.

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