- Chapter Nineteen - Elora -

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I turned to open the door, embarrassed once I came face to face with the girl that had needed the bathroom, Megan. She looked at me, before looking up to Luca following me out. She looked to the floor, pretending not to notice. God I just wanted to hide but at least she wasn't drawing attention to the fact that she found us. I looked around the bus briefly, worried that someone else might see, or even worse that Harry or Erin might see, but everyone was still in their own worlds.

I quickly walked back to my seat, Luca stopping to say something to Megan, I didn't stick around to find out what incase someone else put it together that we had both come from the same place.

I sat back next to Erin, she didn't budge, instead she softly breathed against the window. I could hear Luca sit in the seat behind me after a few minutes, and I tried my best to stare forward, I needed to get off the bus.

I don't even know what really just happened. I've never done anything like that before, I've never been that turned on in my life, the evidence of that still clear in my soaking wet panties.

Eventually we pulled into the same oval from the start of the trip, all of us piling off of the bus to get some fresh air. I sat with Erin against a picket fence, I didn't want to talk to anyone, I just wanted to relax, she had had the same idea, sitting next to me quietly watching everyone else. Ruby and Spencer sat with us, both engrossed with each other and thankfully they seemed happy enough creating conversation without getting me or Erin involved.

I looked to Erin sitting beside me and I all I could see was the guilt. She'd liked Luca, she had for a long time and it was literally this trip that she stopped wanting to pursue him and just like it meant nothing, I had come along and taken him. I didn't know what any of this was that I was doing with Luca, I didn't know where it was going or what he was thinking, but the fact that I was hiding it from my best friends... God, I was a bitch. If Megan hadn't come along when she did then I don't doubt I'd have been doing something in that bathroom with him, I was almost desperate to let him.

Our time at the oval came to an end, and we slowly climbed back onto the bus. The rest of the trip was uneventful. I didn't look to Luca, I couldn't take the feeling I had when I looked at him. Like I wanted my body pressed up against his. It was easier to just stare out the window.

"Finally.." Erin moaned as we pulled into the school parking lot. Cars filled it, parents ready to grab their kids and leave. I hadn't had a response from my mother, I'd hoped that she had just forgotten to reply. I looked out the bus window as best as I could to try and see her car, but it wasn't there.

I hugged Harry once we climbed off of the bus, he offered to drive me home once he realised my mother wasn't there but a part of me thought if I spend any time around him right now then he would see through my guilt and see the truth - that I wanted his bestfriend. I'd told him I had it sorted, and he didn't question it, instead he hugged me tightly before grabbing his bags and heading to his car. Erin did the same, telling me to message her once I got home. I waved goodbye as she found her dads car, climbing in and driving off.

It was cold here, not as cold as the snowy mountain, but it was close. I looked around me, everyone had their parents here grabbing them, packing their bags into their cars and driving off. I looked around again to make sure my mother wasn't here, I didn't want her seeing me getting into the car with Luca. I hadn't gotten a reply to the message I'd sent her earlier, and deep down I had a feeling she would be lurking, seeing who I was getting a lift home with.

Suddenly he stood beside me, watching the others starting to drive way, his hands in the pockets in his jeans. I pulled my sleeves over my hands, before crossing my arms across my chest and turning to Luca.

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