- Chapter Seventeen - Elora & Luca -

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"Harry is coming." He whispered into my hair before I slowly let go of him and stepped away. He looked at me with a hunger in his eyes and I turned and walked to my bag before I did something stupid like jump onto him.

Harry walked into the room a few moments later, stopping once we realised we were in here alone.

"What are you two doing in here?" He asked, taking in my wet body before looking over to Luca with a question of some sort in his eyes.

"I got in the water!" I tell him, forgetting that for a moment with everything that was going on with my body and Luca's. I'd actually gotten in, I'd not fallen, I'd made it back out. Not that I really wanted to do it again, but it filled me with hope that maybe I could overcome this.

"El, that's amazing!" Harry tells me, his face taken over by his grin as he charges at me, picking me up and spinning me around before he pulls me in tight to his chest.

"Luca helped." I tell him, not wanting to take all the credit and after a few moments of silence when I pull back to look at Harry expecting the grin to still be there, it isn't. Instead he is looking at Luca, more like glaring at him, while it looks like they're having some kind of conversation together with their eyes.

I take a further step back from Harry, his hands falling away from me and falling to his side before I look to Luca, his eyes now on me.

"What's wrong?" I ask before turning back to Harry. "Aren't you happy for me?" I ask, Harry's attention swinging back to me and his smile falling back into place.

"Of course I am, El. Honestly." He tells me, nodding his head and pulling me back to him, hugging me again.

"I'm going to go back to the room, get changed before we have breakfast." Luca tells me from behind and I spin in Harry's arms, his hands falling to my waist as he keeps me with him. I look to Luca for a moment, unsure what just happened between us and wishing it could happen again, before I nod my head like an idiot. I should be saying thank you, or something but all I can think about is what his cock felt like and now it feels like I can't get a straight thought out. 

"See you at breakfast." Harry tells him from behind me and Luca looks to me for a moment longer before grabbing his bag and leaving the room.

"What was that?" I ask Harry, spinning around once again and stepping away from him, walking to my bag to pull out some of my things to get ready to go to the changing room.

"What?" Harry asks, folding his arms across his chest and I can't stop the eyeroll.

"Whatever that was with you and Luca. It was weird. I thought you'd be happy for me." I tell him and I can't help that my voice sounds quiet. After all these years I've never been able to be in water that deep, and standing here after that interaction it feels like it wasn't as big of a deal as I thought it was.

"I'm sorry, it just took me by surprise that you're here with Luca so early, willingly." He shrugged before running a hand down his face. "It's a big deal, I'm proud of you. I'm sorry, it's just my own head."

"Tell me?" I ask, pulling a t-shirt over my head before undoing my bikini top and pulling it out through the sleeves.

"I love Luca. He's like my brother, you know that." He starts.

"Unfortunately." I tell him, rolling my eyes again.

"I just don't think it's a good idea for you to get close to him." He finishes and I look at him in confusion for a moment, shaking my head.

"You've wanted us to get along for years, and now you don't?" I ask and he looks around the room like something will pop out and save him from this conversation.

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