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"No! No!" I screamed, kicking, and screaming. My mother, my beautiful mother, she tried her best to calm me down. But it was no use. I'm only a child. A young child who's just been told that I'd have to pack up all and leave my home behind because my father, a man who has the most power in the Kingdom, has just made a serious decision for me.

My beautiful mother, the Queen of the Seven Kingdoms, sits on my bed with me. Her long golden hair that reaches down her entire back and her beautiful green eyes shimmering at me as they fill with tears.

"Mother... Please don't let him do this!" I begged.

She placed her hands on my face and smiled through the tears that been welling in her eyes. My mother has the prettiest smile I'll ever see. She's the prettiest person I've ever seen. I wished I looked like her, but alas: I was cursed with looking like my father.

"Alana... My sweet Princess, you must do your service to the realm. You have to go. You have to serve the realm, the same way I do." She told me that and I still didn't want to go. I knew as a girl who was preparing to become a woman that there were things I had to do for the realm. For the Kingdom.

"Father doesn't love me, does he?" I asked.

My father is King Robert Baratheon, the first to not carry the Targaryen name to sit on the Iron Throne. Although his grandmother was a Targaryen and blood of the dragon runs through our veins, the last 10 years has not been easy for him. Many don't respect him but the way he sees it: it was a fair battle.

Mother wiped a single tear that had been falling down my cheek. Her touch was delicate and she treated me as though I was a perfect flower. At least, that's what she always called me. Her flower. She said I would never blossom in King's Landing, that once I met my betrothed, I'd blossom from the love I'd feel for him. But I don't believe her. It's rubbish.

Love is rubbish.

"You father loves you very much and that's why you have to go there. He wants better for you. Better than what we can give you." Mother was tired, she had just birthed my younger sister just a few days ago. I could tell she was exhausted and having to send her oldest away on top of it all? I could never imagine the pain she was feeling.

"I don't want to go." I put my head down and cried.

"I don't want you to go either." She told me.

"Why can't the boy come here? Why does he get to stay with his family and live his life in the only place he knows and I can't? You said it yourself Mother, the North is a pig pen. It smells and it's cold!" I argued.

She chuckled slightly. "He is to be the Lord of Winterfell and Warden of the North after his father, meaning-"

"I'll be the Lady of Winterfell." I sighed.

"More than that. You'll be a Princess and by marrying him you'll make him a Prince on top of being Warden of the North. You will have almost as much power as your brother Joffrey when he takes the Iron Throne." She explained.

I nodded.

"You will do great things Alana. Promise me one thing though..." She swallowed took her hand and placed it under my chin, being sure that I'd be looking her in her perfect green eyes. The eyes I'd wished I'd gotten from her, Cersei Lannister. "Promise me that if he does not treat you well, that you will tell me. You will tell me and I will take care of it. But I trust that Ned Stark has raised his son to be as honorable as he is."

BLIZZARD: The Lone Wolf VOL2 (ROBB STARK X OC) *COMPLETE*Where stories live. Discover now