Bigger Than the Whole Sky

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Bigger Than the Whole Sky


I lost sleep for far too many nights now. We've been back on the road again for weeks after the battle of Casterly Rock, which we won, of course. But Robb was injured in that battle and as soon as he healed it was time to move forward again.

We knew that word would have already reached King's Landing of our victory but as we traveled on the road there wasn't anything that could prepare me for what was next to come. I didn't expect battle again until we'd reach the capital.

But we were stopped in The Reach just before entering The Crownlands. A large knight in all black armor was leading a bunch of gold cloaks. All who had their swords at the ready when they saw Robb and I leading our men.

The Blackfish and Stannis quickly coming to the front of the line along with Lord Umber and Renly. All circling in on us to protect their King and Queen. Clearly word had gotten to the capital, because my mother and father sent their own men after us.

"Alana Baratheon!" The blackened knight said in a roar that shook the trees that he was nearly the same size of. "Where is she!"

I gulped down and road my horse closer until Randyll Tarly steered his stallion in front of me.

"What business do you have with Queen?" Randyll shot out like flames at the knight.

"It's in regard to her father, Robert Baratheon." The knight said.

My head turned to Robb who didn't say a word. He kept his eyes forward as the knight inhaled loudly through his nose and then turned his gaze from Lord Tarly, back to me.

"Robert Baratheon was murdered in his sleep a few nights ago. Joffrey Baratheon sits the throne now with Cersei Lannister as his Queen Regent." The knight said.

"Clegane..." A voice muttered from behind me. "Gregor fucking Clegane..."

"Ahh, if it isn't the Knight of the Flowers." Gregor Clegane teased. "Come for a rematch? I believe we didn't finish what we started at the King's Hand's Tourney."

Loras Tyrell laughed loudly. "You shamed yourself as a knight that day Clegane! Why are you here?"

"Spreading the word for King Joffrey." He winked.

In a cart behind me was Tywin and Jaime Lannister. I took my sword from my hilt and stabbed blindly into the cart, a scream of pain echoing. When the tarp moved it was obvious that I had stabbed into the side of my grandfather, Tywin. Perfect. Just who I wanted to take a jab at.

"What was that for?!" Tywin screeched out as he applied pressure to the side of himself.

"Joffrey took the throne! You did this! You did all of this!" I picked up a handful of horse shit that had fallen a few feet away from me and threw it into the cart. Watching as it splattered and still steamed all over the faces of both my grandfather and uncle.

Hands gripped my shoulders and pulled me away as I screamed and cursed at them. My Uncle Stannis...

"Don't waste your breath on them girl! Don't you dare-"

A shadow covered us. I cowered in terror when I turned around to see Gregor Clegane unhorsed and standing over us, laughing as he took his sword out. The sword was as big as the limb of a tree and he himself bigger than most trees I'd ever seen.

BLIZZARD: The Lone Wolf VOL2 (ROBB STARK X OC) *COMPLETE*Where stories live. Discover now