Fantasy World

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Fantasy World

Winterfell is so fucking cold. My bones shivered when the cold wind blew so strongly that it burst the window open, flooding the room with snowflakes and cold air. I jumped out of my warm bed and rushed to the window to close it, but the wind was far too strong.

Robb remained laying in bed, the fur blanket covering him from the waist down. His bare chest glistening in the light from the fireplace. Gods, he was so fucking hot.

As I struggled with the window, finally it snapped back into place. But rather than getting back into bed with him, my feet froze with my back to the window. Staring at him, taking in the beautiful sight that was him. How much I loved and adored him.

It made me remember the day I first opened up to him about my life and my family. My secrets and my fears. I was only a child but I remember then thinking how perfect Robb was. Robb was patient and all he wanted to do was save me. I like to think he's kept that promise.

"Do you remember when I used to beg to go home to King's Landing?" I said to Robb, still standing by the window.

Robb chuckled and nodded. "That only lasted a month if I remember."

"Mm," I hummed. "Until you."

Robb sat up in bed and finally I moved and joined him. Sitting atop the blankets with one leg hanging off the side of the bed. Robb had such a perfect sparkle in his blue eyes. The color deepened as he gleamed at me.

"Me?" Robb boasted playfully. Puffing his chest proudly.

"Don't you remember that day?" I asked. "We were just children and all we could think of was running away into some fantasy world together."



The cupboard in my room was dark. I sat inside it with the door closed. My knees to my chest and arms wrapped around my legs, holding them close to my body. I sucked in a deep breath and then held it as footsteps paced back and forth paced the cupboard that I was inside of.

I counted the steps that paced back and forth.

76 steps.

Who in their right mind paces that much in a short amount of time? I could feel my hands shaking as I wondered. Wondered if I'd be found. I closed my eyes and hoped that those steps would stop. That they'd exit the room and leave me be.

Leave me to mourn the loss of my family. A sister I'd never know because she was only days old when I left. A mother who I only ever wanted to love me. But I feared that she wanted me gone to love the new daughter she created.

What good would I have been? I couldn't claim the throne because I was not a boy. My father made that all the most clear. Although it was my claim. My crown. My throne. But father insisted on a son to be his heir and that was Joffrey.

The steps continued.

104 steps now.

I exhaled and then clapped my hands over my mouth. The steps stopped and I sat in the dark cupboard in fear. My stomach sinking down to the floor and my heart stopping for a moment.

The door creaked open.

No... No... No...

I begged silently to myself. I didn't want to be found. I wanted to be alone. Left with my own thoughts. Left to cry alone.

BLIZZARD: The Lone Wolf VOL2 (ROBB STARK X OC) *COMPLETE*Where stories live. Discover now